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窘,first of all, jesus was NOT white....
送交者: 湘君[布衣] 于 2010-07-03 21:30 已读 44 次 5 赞  


回答: Your eyes are bigger than your stomach. And talk is 由 speechless 于 2010-07-03 18:00

according to biblical sources, he had olive-tinted skin, hair of wool, and feet of brass.... now does that sound white to you? www.6park.com

second, he is from galilee, thus the most probably guess is that he was of middle eastern/semitic descent. the race of jesus is still a debate even to this day. some people even think he might have been black, and there are multiple depictions of jesus from different time periods that are wildly different. but if you tell an educated american that jesus is white, he will probably think you're a victim of the catholic church. www.6park.com

and there are some seriously flawed concepts in what you've written above. i don't really feel like addressing them because i believe that you in your heart should know that you hold some pretty extremist views that most people wouldn't openly agree. i've never lived in europe, so i'll refrain from speaking for the europeans. but i definitely wouldn't say that white people are in charge of america - much the less the whole world! "as long as we're under the soils and flags of white people" - just by saying that, you have assumed a position of subjugation, a position which was imposed on you by no one other than yourself. admittedly, everyone feels alienated when he/she moves to a new country, but how well one survives in a new country is largely dependent on 1) the reasons for one's move and 2) the new life that one envisions. at least in america, the so-called "american dream" that was once a strong pillar of american ideology - the dream that is shared by all regardless of race, color, and class - still holds power, even if it's a failing one. the reason that americans pay lip service to it and talk about its decline is precisely the fact that they are keenly aware of its shortcomings in the face of modernity. i too am aware that discourse is one thing, while reality is another. but can we say that the two have nothing to do with each other? or that discourse always lags behind reality? i think not. www.6park.com

and while we're on the subject of racism, please don't bring in religion. that's just low taste. don't bite off more than you can chew - and to quote yourself, don't let your eyes outgrow your stomach. www.6park.com

还有,在中国人论坛上,你说英文装什么啊,显得自己英文很好是吗?练习写作吗?你自己写的就时常前不答后,想说什么直接用母语说,省得让人揣摩。大家都那么忙,也难得你写这么一大篇,不过我可以负责地告诉你,除了我以外,认真读完并且可能会回复的就只有版主了。下次想说什么还是用中文吧,这样会达到你想要的效果。 www.6park.com


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