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Greetings, 山哥. All men are created equal, BUT...
送交者: speechless[布衣] 于 2010-07-20 0:34 已读 14 次 3 赞  


回答: 人人生而平等吗? [评论]  由 山哥 于 2010-07-19 18:37

some are more equal than others. This was said by George Orwell.  He simply answered this question already. And did you know the writer of the Declaration, Thomas Jefferson, owned slaves? So much for all men are created equal. And Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness might be just empty promises. Maybe I am off the subject. We all have to understand that when it comes to translation of a foreign language, there will not be 100% accuracy. It is not an easy task. It is all up to the interpretation, understanding and imagination of the translator. So the accusation of lying,这是明显的伪造,说谎, cannot be established. There was no motive in this case. Moreover, please bear in mind that there is never a translated Chinese edition copy of Declaration approved by the U.S. government and is available. So why argue over the circulated unofficial Chinese edition copy of Declaration?  To me, it is pointless. What do you think? 
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