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if you bring in morals, that is becoming a complex issue
送交者: 五蚤先生[♂中书令★★★♂] 于 2010-08-26 11:26 已读 20 次 3 赞  


回答: what is reflection of ones culture then? 由 aion 于 2010-08-25 16:55

when we differentiate something, we look for things that are different. just because most cultures regard murder as wrong, it doesn't mean the cultures are the same. Just as smoking or ignoring traffic laws isn't exclusive to chinese culture, therefore isn't a reflection of the culture itself.  www.6park.com

A reflection of a certain culture is what makes that culture unique. Such as language, certain moral values such as filial piety, or down to the details such as how we dress, or how we greet each other. www.6park.com

In terms of natural selection, that is related to survivability of the culture. If there really exists a culture that says murder is not wrong, then their people will just start murdering everyone and cause the culture to die out much quicker. That's just an example. But if a cultural practice is not productive to survival, or becomes a hinderance to progress, the people will automatically disregard it (such as the impracticality of wearing Han clothes in everyday life). Culture will shift accordingly and is constantly changing. The people of that culture should recognize what is unique and preserve the practice that makes sense, not hold on stubbornly to those that doesn't.

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