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what is reflection of ones culture then?
送交者: aion[布衣] 于 2010-08-25 16:55 已读 21 次 3 赞  


回答: well, with regards to money 由 五蚤先生 于 2010-08-25 16:27

If what people do, only way of real measurement, is not a clear reflection of their culture, then what is? Are we suppose to read mind and believe murders and rapist are good on the inside. www.6park.com

This comes back to ur point of natural selection of cultural differences. if a culture can tolerate more and more of moral wrong doings by people is it really natural selection of good over bad? www.6park.com

As to how culture can improve, i think the china nowdays are not really giving its traditional culture a fighting chance let alone competition. Its just a sad sad topic

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