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competition is such an ugly and overused word
送交者: 五蚤先生[♂中书令★★★♂] 于 2010-08-25 16:04 已读 21 次 3 赞  


回答: 失去进步能力或进步能力较弱的候选者,在选拔中会被淘汰掉. 由 碧血剑 于 2010-08-25 15:34

Survival is not a race, because there is no finish line. The only practical reason different cultures need to compete is the lack of resources and space, which could be better solved through cooperation rather than competition.  www.6park.com

Of course, there is the other man-made reason why competition exists where it doesn't need to. Which is pride and fear of change. Those are emotional reasons that turns friend into foe, and cause people to reject improvement and accept their own inadequacies. A strong person, or culture will overcome those emotional baggage and learn to survive by working with others, not competing with them.

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