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大胆释放你的欲望1 [洞察人性最深的一篇文章]
送交者: 屠小七[布衣] 于 2011-03-31 7:03 已读 18 次 3 赞  


回答: 开讲-数学和科学中的女性美[原创]  由 屠小七 于 2011-03-31 7:02

I have chosen this subject for my lecture tonight because I think that most current discussions of politics and political theory take insufficient account of psychology. Economic facts, population statistics, constitutional organization, and so on, are set forth minutely. There is no difficulty in finding out how many South Koreans and how many North Koreans there were when the Korean War began. If you will look into the right books you will be able to ascertain what was their average income per head, and what were the sizes of their respective armies. But if you want to know what sort of person a Korean is, and whether there is any appreciable difference between a North Korean and a South Korean; if you wish to know what they respectively want out of life, what are their discontents, what their hopes and what their fears; in a word, what it is that, as they say, «makes them tick», you will look through the reference books in vain. And so you cannot tell whether the South Koreans are enthusiastic about UNO, or would prefer union with their cousins in the North. Nor can you guess whether they are willing to forgo land reform for the privilege of voting for some politician they have never heard of. It is neglect of such questions by the eminent men who sit in remote capitals, that so frequently causes disappointment. If politics is to become scientific, and if the event is not to be constantly surprising, it is imperative that our political thinking should penetrate more deeply into the springs of human action. What is the influence of hunger upon slogans? How does their effectiveness fluctuate with the number of calories in your diet? If one man offers you democracy and another offers you a bag of grain, at what stage of starvation will you prefer the grain to the vote? Such questions are far too little considered. However, let us, for the present, forget the Koreans, and consider the human race. www.6park.com


今晚我之所以选择这个主题来演讲是因为当前关于政治和政治理论的讨论往往缺少对心理学的关注。经济现状、人口统计、宪法组织,以及其他东西是很容易展现出来的。在朝鲜战争开始之际,要说清楚南朝鲜有多少人,北朝鲜有多少人没有任何困难。如果你在这些书里面翻翻,你可以很轻松的弄清双方的军队数目、人均收入。但是,如果你想知道朝鲜人到底是什么样的,南北朝鲜的居民是否有什么显著的区别;他们各自想要什么样的生活,他们的不满,他们的希望,他们的恐惧又是什么;简而言之,他们的各自动机何在;你就是把这些书翻遍,也是徒劳一场。因此,你无法得知南朝鲜的居民到底是盼着联合国介入,还是更想北方的兄弟来完成统一。同样,你也猜不到他们到底会不会为了拥有投票权,投那些他从来没听说过的政治家,而放弃土地改革的诉求。这些问题往往被那些高居庙堂之上的大人物忽视了,从而错失民心。如果要让政治变得科学化,这些事情(指百姓的真实心态导致的各种事,译者注)不再令人吃惊,那么我们的政治考量就必须深入到人类行为的根本出发点。各种政治口号蕴含的内在渴望有多大影响力?在一个人能或者不能吃饱饭的时候,它们的鼓动效果一样大吗?如果一个人给你一张选票,而另一个人给你一块面包,你会在饿到什么程度的时候还会坚持要选票?这些问题很少有人深入考虑。然而,让我们暂且抛开有关朝鲜的事,且从整个人类的角度去思考一下这个问题。2 www.6park.com


All human activity is prompted by desire. There is a wholly fallacious theory advanced by some earnest moralists to the effect that it is possible to resist desire in the interests of duty and moral principle. I say this is fallacious, not because no man ever acts from a sense of duty, but because duty has no hold on him unless he desires to be dutiful. If you wish to know what men will do, you must know not only, or principally, their material circumstances, but rather the whole system of their desires with their relative strengths. www.6park.com


所有人的行为都被欲望驱动着。然后有些热心的道德家却异想天开,以为靠责任和道德原则,就可以对抗欲望。我之所以说这是异想天开,不是因为从来没有人表现的很有责任,而是因为如果不是一个人渴望表现的有责任心,则责任一词对他毫无意义。如果你想知道一个人会做什么,你不仅要大致了解他所处的物质环境,更要清楚他整个的欲望和想法,以及它们的强弱对比。4 www.6park.com


There are some desires which, though very powerful, have not, as a rule, any great political importance. Most men at some period of their lives desire to marry, but as a rule they can satisfy this desire without having to take any political action. There are, of course, exceptions; the rape of the Sabine women is a case in point. And the development of northern Australia is seriously impeded by the fact that the vigorous young men who ought to do the work dislike being wholly deprived of female society. But such cases are unusual, and in general the interest that men and women take in each other has little influence upon politics. www.6park.com


有一些欲望,虽然很强烈,但通常并没有多大政治上的重要性。大部分的男人在生命中的某些阶段会渴望结婚,但通常他们不需要采取什么政治行动,就能满足这个愿望。当然,也有些例外。罗马人抢掠萨宾族妇女就是最好的例子。澳大利亚北部的发展严重受阻,也是源于本来应该去北部开荒拓土的年轻男子不喜欢自己和女性社会隔离。但这些例子都是少数。一般来说,男人和女人在结婚方面的事在政治上影响甚微。4 www.6park.com


The desires that are politically important may be divided into a primary and a secondary group. In the primary group come the necessities of life: food and shelter and clothing. When these things become very scarce, there is no limit to the efforts that men will make, or to the violence that they will display, in the hope of securing them. It is said by students of the earliest history that, on four separate occasions, drought in Arabia caused the population of that country to overflow into surrounding regions, with immense effects, political, cultural, and religious. The last of these four occasions was the rise of Islam. The gradual spread of Germanic tribes from southern Russia to England, and thence to San Francisco, had similar motives. Undoubtedly the desire for food has been, and still is, one of the main causes of great political events. www.6park.com


在政治上影响力巨大的欲望可以划分成两个层次。第一层次来自于对生活的基本需求,包括食物、住所、衣服。当这些东西变得稀缺时,为了生存下来,人们会不遗余力的获取它们,甚至付诸暴力也在所不惜。研究早期人类历史的学者表明,在四次不同时期的干旱年代,阿拉伯半岛上的人口大量外流,给周围地区的政治、文化、宗教带来深远影响。这四次中的最后一次迁徙事件,造就了伊斯兰教的兴起。日耳曼部族从俄罗斯的南部渐渐扩散到英格兰,最后到旧金山,也是出于相同的动机。不用怀疑人类对食物的需求,从前及现在,一直是重大政治事件的一个主要原因.1 www.6park.com


But man differs from other animals in one very important respect, and that is that he has some desires which are, so to speak, infinite, which can never be fully gratified, and which would keep him restless even in Paradise. The boa constrictor, when he has had an adequate meal, goes to sleep, and does not wake until he needs another meal. Human beings, for the most part, are not like this. When the Arabs, who had been used to living sparingly on a few dates, acquired the riches of the Eastern Roman Empire, and dwelt in palaces of almost unbelievable luxury, they did not, on that account, become inactive. Hunger could no longer be a motive, for Greek slaves supplied them with exquisite viands at the slightest nod. But other desires kept them active: four in particular, which we can label acquisitiveness, rivalry, vanity, and love of power. www.6park.com

但是人们区别于其他动物的一个非常重要的细节在于他有欲望.那种欲望可谓之私人的,能够永不满足,甚至让他即使在天堂,也还会永不停歇.蟒蛇吃饱了之后就去睡觉,直到需要下一次进食才再醒来.而人类,绝大部分并不如此.过去习惯了生活地很节俭的阿拉伯人在一些时期得到了西罗马帝国的巨大财富后,定居在几乎奢侈的令人难以置信的宫殿里,他们并没有因此而变得懒散起来.饥饿不再成为一种动力,只要轻轻一点头希腊的奴隶就会供上极精致的食物.但是其他欲望让他们保持积极,尤其是可标签于这四种:占有,竞争,虚荣以及对权力的热爱.3 www.6park.com

Acquisitiveness - the wish to possess as much as possible of goods, or the title to goods - is a motive which, I suppose, has its origin in a combination of fear with the desire for necessaries. I once befriended two little girls from Estonia, who had narrowly escaped death from starvation in a famine. They lived in my family, and of course had plenty to eat. But they spent all their leisure visiting neighbouring farms and stealing potatoes, which they hoarded. Rockefeller, who in his infancy had experienced great poverty, spent his adult life in a similar manner. Similarly the Arab chieftains on their silken Byzantine divans could not forget the desert, and hoarded riches far beyond any possible physical need. But whatever may be the psychoanalysis of acquisitiveness, no one can deny that it is one of the great motives - especially among the more powerful, for, as I said before, it is one of the infinite motives. However much you may acquire, you will always wish to acquire more; satiety is a dream which will always elude you. www.6park.com

占有欲——想要占有尽可能多的财产以及有财产的标志,我想它的动机是出于恐惧心理和对必需品渴望心理的交杂.我曾经像朋友一样招待过两个从爱沙尼亚来,好不容易才从大饥荒中逃难出来的小女孩.她们生活在我家,自然不愁吃喝.但是他们一有空就溜到邻近的农场去偷土豆储藏起来.洛克菲勒的童年有过非常穷的体验, 所以他成年之后依然保持着节俭的习惯.与此相同,阿拉伯的酋长在他们柔软光滑的拜占庭会议室,还是不能忘记沙漠,依然储存着实际上不可能花完的财富.但是任何一种对于占有欲的心理分析,都不能不承认前段所述的是其中非常大的一项动机,尤其是对于那些拥有巨大权力的人来说.因为前文说过,它是人类无穷动机之一.尽管你可以得到很多了,但你永远会想要得到更多.心满意足是一个不可能实现的梦想. www.6park.com

But acquisitiveness, although it is the mainspring of the capitalist system, is by no means the most powerful of the motives that survive the conquest of hunger. Rivalry is a much stronger motive. Over and over again in Mohammedan history, dynasties have come to grief because the sons of a sultan by different mothers could not agree, and in the resulting civil war universal ruin resulted. The same sort of thing happens in modern Europe. When the British Government very unwisely allowed the Kaiser to be present at a naval review at Spithead, the thought which arose in his mind was not the one which we had intended. What he thought was, «I must have a Navy as good as Grandmamma's». And from this thought have sprung all our subsequent troubles. The world would be a happier place than it is if acquisitiveness were always stronger than rivalry. But in fact, a great many men will cheerfully face impoverishment if they can thereby secure complete ruin for their rivals. Hence the present level of taxation. www.6park.com

但是占有欲,虽然是资本主义系统下的主要发动机,但并不意味着是出于克服饥饿而产生的最大动机。相互竞争的动机远超于此。穆斯林的历史一再表明,王朝的毁灭往往是因为不同出身的王子无法统一意见,并最终导致的内战造成了广泛的破坏局面。这相同的是也发生在现代欧洲,当不列颠政府愚蠢的允许德国皇帝出席斯皮特黑德举行的海军演习,这位德国皇帝脑中想的并不是如我们预想的一样,而是想:我也必须有一支跟祖母所拥有的一样好的海军。如果占有欲总是比竞争心更强的话,海上平台倒会更好些。可事实上,非常多的人只要能牢牢的完全毁灭他们的竞争对手,他们会高高兴兴的面对贫穷。税收层级就是这样诞生的。 www.6park.com

Vanity is a motive of immense potency. Anyone who has much to do with children knows how they are constantly performing some antic, and saying «Look at me». «Look at me» is one of the most fundamental desires of the human heart. It can take innumerable forms, from buffoonery to the pursuit of posthumous fame. There was a Renaissance Italian princeling who was asked by the priest on his deathbed if he had anything to repent of. «Yes», he said, «there is one thing. On one occasion I had a visit from the Emperor and the Pope simultaneously. I took them to the top of my tower to see the view, and I neglected the opportunity to throw them both down, which would have given me immortal fame». History does not relate whether the priest gave him absolution. One of the troubles about vanity is that it grows with what it feeds on. The more you are talked about, the more you will wish to be talked about. The condemned murderer who is allowed to see the account of his trial in the press is indignant if he finds a newspaper which has reported it inadequately. And the more he finds about himself in other newspapers, the more indignant he will be with the one whose reports are meagre. Politicians and literary men are in the same case. And the more famous they become, the more difficult the press-cutting agency finds it to satisfy them. It is scarcely possible to exaggerate the influence of vanity throughout the range of human life, from the child of three to the potentate at whose frown the world trembles. Mankind have even committed the impiety of attributing similar desires to the Deity, whom they imagine avid for continual praise. www.6park.com

虚荣心是威力巨大的动机,任何人有过很多和孩子相处经历的人都知道,他们有多么坚持不懈的傻傻的表演,以及说着“看我的”。“看我的”是人类心中最基本的需求之一。在文艺复兴时期的意大利,有件可以一再提及的事是:年轻的王子临终前面对神父问他是否有什么事需要忏悔时,他说“是的,在我人生中有一次关键时刻,我同时探望皇帝和教皇,我太迷恋于我自己人生的顶峰,而没有看到更远。我忽略了那次可以同时把他们扔下去的机会,本来我可以流芳百世。史书上没有记载是否神父宽恕了他。虚荣的一个麻烦就在于它是越来越膨胀的。原来说过,被允许在报纸上翻看关于他自己的审判过程的杀人犯,如果发现某个报纸报道的不够详细就会很气愤,如果他发现关于他自己其他报纸报道的很多,他对那些极少报道他的报纸就会更生气。政治家和文学家也是如此,剪报处发现他们越是有名望,就会越难满足。从三岁的小孩到眉头一皱世界振动的君主,对人类虚荣心遍及生活各角落的影响,如何夸大都不为过。人类甚至犯过如此大不敬:觉得他们构想出来的神灵也有相同的需求,渴望得到持续的赞美。 www.6park.com

But great as is the influence of the motives we have been considering, there is one which outweighs them all. I mean the love of power. Love of power is closely akin to vanity, but it is not by any means the same thing. What vanity needs for its satisfaction is glory, and it is easy to have glory without power. The people who enjoy the greatest glory in the United States are film stars, but they can be put in their place by the Committee for Un-American Activities, which enjoys no glory whatever. In England, the King has more glory than the Prime Minister, but the Prime Minister has more power than the King. Many people prefer glory to power, but on the whole these people have less effect upon the course of events than those who prefer power to glory. When Blücher, in 1814, saw Napoleon's palaces, he said, «Wasn't he a fool to have all this and to go running after Moscow.» Napoleon, who certainly was not destitute of vanity, preferred power when he had to choose. To Blücher, this choice seemed foolish. Power, like vanity, is insatiable. Nothing short of omnipotence could satisfy it completely. And as it is especially the vice of energetic men, the causal efficacy of love of power is out of all proportion to its frequency. It is, indeed, by far the strongest motive in the lives of important men. www.6park.com


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