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英文诗歌Where Does Revenge Stop? by Tamzin Merchant 
送交者: 洛神赋[♂中书令★★★♂] 于 2011-06-27 10:06 已读 85 次 3 赞  


Tamzin Merchant (born 4 March 1987)is an English actress. She is known for her role as Georgiana Darcy in Pride & Prejudice (2005 film version) and for her role as the ill-fated Queen Catherine Howard in The Tudors. www.6park.com



Where does revenge stop?
After the second blow
When the eye has been repaid
With an eye? www.6park.com

Or does it blunder on
Until each drop of spilled blood
Has been avenged
In blood? www.6park.com

Or will it not stop
Until the heart and soul
Of the human race is riddled with hate and fear?
(Like a body torn by machine gun fire). www.6park.com

Where does revenge stop? www.6park.com

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