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如何正确安装PyTorch on MacBook M1, M2
送交者: runcndottop[布衣] 于 2024-07-19 22:35 已读 28614 次 1 赞  


How to set up a good PyTorch environment on Apple Silicon

Apple silicon refers to the arm64 architecture chips designed by Apple and used by new Macbook laptops, also known as M1, M2 Macbooks. It's different from old generations of Macbooks, because those use Intel x86_64 architecture chips. You can find out these information on your Macbook's system information. So why do you care? You care because you care about performance when you want to do AI, research, development, etc. It's best to get the best performance natively out of your Macbook instead of the other way round. So make sure you check whether you are installing a package built for arm64 or x86_64, before doing the real AI stuff. 6park.com

Install arm64 miniconda

The first step to make things right is to install the Miniconda version for MacOSX arm64: 6park.com

mkdir -p ~/miniconda3 curl https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-MacOSX-arm64.sh -o ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh bash ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh -b -u -p ~/miniconda3 rm -rf ~/miniconda3/miniconda.sh

Install arm64 pytorch

Since we installed miniconda's arm64 version, it automatically installs the correct pytorch and python versions in the arm64 architecture for us, using the following command: 6park.com

conda create -n tutorial-1 python=3.11 pytorch -c pytorch

It installs the correct version for arm64, which you can see from the command's output, something like the this: 6park.com

pytorch pytorch/osx-arm64::pytorch-2.3.1-py3.11_0

Verify MPS support in pytorch

MPS stands for Metal Performance Shader, which is Apple's GPU programming language, corresponding to Nvidia's CUDA. We need MPS available so as to do efficient ML computation on Macbook's Apple Silicon. 6park.com

The code below should output no assertion errors if you are running it on Apple Silicon, as well as having installed the arm64 version of pytorch. 6park.com

import torch 6park.com

assert torch.backend.mps.is_available(), 'pytorch MPS not available' 6park.com

As of now, you have set up a good PyTorch environment that allows you to take adavantage of all the computational power Apple Silicon has to offer. Enjoy! 6park.com

原文看这儿: https://runcn.top/tutorials

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