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我google了一下 和你说的不一样啊,一样的走TCPIP协议啊
送交者: 阿杜ADU[☆★投资人★☆] 于 2019-06-30 13:05 已读 257 次  


回答: 暗网就是不走ipv4的网咯 明白? 由 你神经病啊 于 2019-06-30 10:54

How does the dark web work?
The dark web works just about the same as the regular internet: it uses the same TCP/IP framework to transmit HTTP and FTP traffic within and between networks, over the same phone, cable or FiOS lines that carry regular internet traffic. Content on the dark web consists of HTML webpages and their assets, just like it does on the rest of the web. In fact, under the hood, the dark web is the same as the regular web, with two important exceptions that also distinguish the dark web from the deep web.
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