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送交者: glaxitar[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2017-07-08 21:04 已读 2415 次  


我在英国用virgin media 100M 宽带,现在都很少下载电影了,英国的bt 下载基本都被封了,下载太麻烦,mirror站广告太多。 不过我偶尔还是用,这不前几天下了了jason bourne 就被盯上了,这么多年第一次,下面是信的内容,大家给点意见,实在不知道发哪里了。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Rui,

Your Virgin Media account number: xxxxxxx05

Your Virgin Media area reference: 20

Virgin Media, along with other internet service providers, is supporting the Get It Right from a Genuine Site campaign – a government-backed initiative that helps people access the content they want from legitimate sources.

The Get It Right from a Genuine Site campaign has contacted us on behalf of owners of copyrighted material, who believe their content may have been shared using your internet account without their permission. The content could be anything that is copyrighted, such as films, TV shows, sports events or music.

This is the first time an educational email has been sent to you. It will help you find genuine content and prevent the sharing of copyrighted material on your account in the future, as well as explaining why you are being contacted and what it means.


A summary of the information that the Get It Right from a Genuine Site campaign has provided to Virgin Media:

Copyright Infringement Report ID (CIR-ID): 8337451 Title of content shared: JASON BOURNE Time file was shared: 02:24 * Date content was shared: 07/07/2017 ________________


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