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技嘉推出 GTX 980 WaterForce Tri-SLI Kit
送交者: skyline[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2014-11-11 16:48 已读 1237 次 2 赞  


Gigabyte announced the GeForce GTX 980 WaterForce Tri-SLI (model: GV-N980X3WA-4GD), arguably the highest pixel-crunching power that ever came out of a single box. This contraption is a trio of GeForce GTX 980 graphics cards, with a factory-fitted liquid cooling loop, which sits outside your case. Each of the three cards features a factory-overclocked GTX 980 chip featuring 1228 MHz core, 1329 MHz GPU Boost, and 7.00 GHz memory; with a liquid-cooling pump-block over the GPU, and a base-plate that conveys heat from the memory and VRM to that block, using heat-pipes. 

Coolant tubes from the three cards meet at the external unit, that has an independent 120 x 120 mm radiator for each of the three cards. Fan-speeds and coolant pressure of each of the three loops can be controlled at the unit's front-panel, which features an LCD display with coolant temperature and fan-speed readouts. Also part of the kit, are a custom 3-way SLI bridge, a reinforcement beam that counteracts PCB bending, a 5.25-inch front-panel bezel, from which the coolant tubes make their way out of the case, and to the external unit, and some tubing managment grommets. Gigabyte didn't announce pricing or availability.
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