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送交者: 美国[布衣] 于 2011-12-18 11:50 已读 17 次  


各位帮帮忙,我一定重谢~ www.6park.com

问题2:www.bazworld.com has a database of over 2 million users. The actual database used is a full-featured RDBMS such as Oracle or MySQL. Currently, all users are stored in a single table, one user per row. The site engineers want to add a new feature: users can upload a custom JPEG image, so long as it does not exceed 50kB. Assuming they have written an CGI interface that takes care of image uploading, how should the engineers go about storing this new data? What changes to their overall system might be necessary? www.6park.com

问题3: www.6park.com

Assume www.foofoo.com is a working community website that has a simple CGI script named "getprofile.cgi" -- a script that displays an arbitrary user's profile information and e-mail address. getprofile.cgi is accessed as follows: www.6park.com

http://www.foofoo.com/getprofile.cgi?uid=8193 www.6park.com

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