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《Ext JS 4 First Look (第一版)》英文文字版/EPUB[PDF] 
送交者: rock213[布衣] 于 2012-05-15 9:31 已读 28 次  


中文名: Ext JS 4 First Look (第一版)
原名: Ext JS 4 First Look
作者: Loiane Groner
图书分类: 软件
资源格式: PDF
版本: 英文文字版/EPUB
出版社: Packt Publishing
书号: 1849516669
发行时间: 2012年01月
地区: 美国
语言: 英文

内容介绍: www.6park.com

Ext JS 4 is a Javascript framework that provides resources to build Rich Internet Applications with great performance. Ext JS 4 has been packed with many new features and it is difficult to master, even for seasoned experts in Ext JS 3.
Ext JS 4 First Look teaches you the main functional areas of Ext JS 4 that have significant new features, explains the new features and how to use them, while highlighting the differences between Ext JS 4 and the previous versions. www.6park.com

This book will give you the knowledge to make the required changes to Ext JS 3 application to build a complete Ext JS 4 application.
This book provides examples of how to load Ext JS components by demand, charts, grid, tree, forms and panels, new data model, themes and mvc architecture.
Ext JS 4 First Look provides full examples and illustrations to help you easily learn the new features of Ext JS 4. www.6park.com

内容截图: www.6park.com


目录: www.6park.com

Chapter 1: What’s New in Ext JS 4?
Chapter 2: The New Data Package
Chapter 3: Upgraded Layouts
Chapter 4: Upgraded Charts
Chapter 5: Upgraded Grid, Tree, and Form
Chapter 6: Ext JS 4 Themes
Chapter 7: MVC Application Architecture www.6park.com


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