回答: ========== 中港台版 ========== 由 初吻给了烟、 于 2015-05-19 19:21
6park.com 传说,娱乐圈中的明星有一种神奇的体质,叫做“自带话题体质”,所谓“蓦然回首,那人已在头条与热搜中”。第一次听说时,世纪君是不信的,直到最近听闻“范爷”连续三年登顶福布斯中国名人榜,又被冰冰姐戛纳红毯上的“花仙子”造型再次刷屏,爱学英语的世纪君就再也按耐不住深深的学(ba)习(gua)之心去搜索了外媒对“范爷”的报道。 歪果仁眼中的范冰冰到底是什么样哒?往下看你就知道啦! 红毯上的“冒险女王” 看到范冰冰在戛纳红毯秀上那一袭清新脱俗的“花”裙,当许多中国小伙伴都称赞“好美腻”、“真•女神”之时,外国小伙伴却暗暗拍了拍胸口,决定直接颁给她“红毯时尚冒险女王”称号,所谓“冒得险中险,方为王中王”…… 6park.com Stars have been wowing in dramatic dresses at the Cannes Film Festival for years, but one woman has a daring style track record like no other. Meet Fan Bingbing, the Chinese actor who’s known for going big and bold on the red carpet — and nailing it every time. The 33-year-old beauty, who stars in “X-Men: Days of Future Past”, arrived at the premiere of "Mad Max" in a floral Marchesa gown that might just be the most beautiful thing we’ve ever laid eyes on. —People 马上学:表示“大胆的,敢于冒险的”,可以用daring,如文中表示“大胆的风格”(a daring style),也可用bold,如文中“一向以夸张大胆的风格著称”(known for going big and bold)。 被称为“时尚冒险王”(the Biggest Fashion Risk-Taker)的“范爷”却“从未失误”过(nail it every time),美国《人物》杂志还翻出了范爷2012年和2010年的红毯冒险之旅,给出五星好评: 6park.com Bingbing has a fashionable track record at the festival. In 2012, she turned heads in a multicolor embroidered strapless Christopher Bu gown, which she paired with an green-and-gold Elie Saab clutch and matching emerald earrings. Another memorable Cannes moment? In 2010, she was the epitome of chic in a white strapless organza and tulle Elie Saab gown, plus a coordinating white clutch, lots of diamonds and a low chignon. —People 马上学:Embroidered strapless即“刺绣抹胸”,而organza和tulle分别指“硬纱”与“薄纱”。范冰冰2010年的戛纳造型更是被称为“时尚优雅的典范”(the epitome of chic)。 福布斯榜上的“芭比” 6park.com 说完红毯秀,就不得不说说范冰冰连续三年登顶福布斯中国名人榜首位。想必小伙伴们和世纪君一样,最好奇的莫过于她的上榜理由:颜值?收入?还是……来看福布斯自己是怎么说哒: The Forbes China Celebrity List surveys the popularity and income of Greater China leaders in film, sports, media and music. Earnings were based on the 2014 calendar year. —Forbes 原来是综合了各个方面,从人气到各个领域的收入都计算在内。作为“三连冠”,2014年,范爷的收入……咳咳,自然不必说;电影方面也小有成就,她出演了《X战警:逆转未来》以及《白发魔女传之明月天国》(福布斯果然知道好多~)。还有,芭比娃娃出了范冰冰珍藏版~ 6park.com Actress Fan Binging is back for a third consecutive year at the top of the new Forbes China Celebrity List unveiled in the current issue of Forbes China, the licensed Chinese-language edition of Forbes. Busy Fan’s appearances last year include “X-Men: Days of Future Past” and “The White-Haired Witch of Lunar Kingdom.” She also had a Barbie doll sold in her likeness. —Forbes 你没有看错,这里的芭比娃娃可不是普通的娃娃:2014年5月31日,芭比娃娃 在上海发布了名人系列之“范冰冰珍藏版”。该款芭比以2010年范冰冰亮相戛纳电影节红毯的“龙袍装”为造型。而范冰冰也成为首位入驻芭比全球名人堂的中国明星,之前芭比娃娃曾为伊丽莎白•泰勒、奥黛丽•赫本等多位国际女星发布名人版娃娃。