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🌸4 days in Washington DC 行程第3天打卡
送交者: jmzjmz[♂★★★★平凡之人★★★★♂] 于 2023-03-23 21:02 已读 4705 次 3 赞  


第三天的行程照例又是满满的 6park.com

From our hotel in the downtown, we walked to Dupont Circle and took G2 bus to the university campus stop. Then we walked across the Key bridge to Virginia. We took metrorail at Virginian Rosslyn Metro station to Arlington Cemetery. After visiting the Cemetery, we took one stop to Pentagon. We could not take any photos or videos for Pentagon. We visited Pentagon Memorial and then we took metrorail again at the Pentagon station to Foggy Bottom station. We walked pass Lincoln Memorial and walked to the Tidal Basin to see one hundtred year old cherry blossoms. Then we walked to the Smithsonian station and took blue or yellow train to metro center, and then transfer to redline to woodley park zoo and back to our hotel. 6park.com

A busy day for the third day. 请点击视频, 很多精彩的风景。 6park.com


narration 解说 6park.com

On the second day, we visited 7 tourist attractions. Please check the links of the videos in the desciption. 6park.com

On the third day, we also had a busy schedule. 6park.com

our third day adventure:
1) walk around the campus community
2) Arlington Cemetery
3) Pentagon
4) Tidal Basin to watch the oldest cherry blossoms 6park.com

From our hotel, we walked to Dupont Circle to take G2 bus to the university stop, then walked around the campus community. 6park.com

We walked across the Key bridge to Virginian Rosslyn Metro station to Arlington Cemetery. 6park.com

Arlington National Cemetery, the most famous cemetery in the US, is the final resting place for many of our nation's greatest heroes, including more than 300,000 veterans of every American conflict, from the Revolutionary War to Iraq and Afghanistan. 6park.com

The Changing of the Guard. 6park.com

The military guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is changed in an elaborate ceremony which happens every hour on the hour from October 1 through March 31, and every half hour from April 1 through September 30. 6park.com

We watched the changing of the guard.
I avoid to take any photos of the tombs to pay our respect. 6park.com

From the Arlington National Cemetery, we took one train stop to Pentagon. 6park.com

It was not allowed to take photos or videos of Pentagon. 6park.com

But we were allowed to visit and take photos of Pentagon Memorial. 6park.com

The Pentagon Memorial, formally the National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial, located just southwest of The Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C., is a permanent outdoor memorial to the 184 people who died as victims in the building and on American Airlines Flight 77 during the September 11 attacks. 6park.com

From Pentagon Station to Foggy Bottom Station, we passed Lincoln Memorial and walked to Tidal Basin to watch the oldest cherry blossoms. 6park.com

Then we walked to the Smithsonian Station (blue or yellow), which took us to Metro center, and then transferred to Redline to Woodley Park Zoo to our hotel. 6park.com

In Washington DC, the public transportation is convenient to take us to major tourist attractions. 6park.com

more flowers blooming on the third day 6park.com

--------分界线---------- 6park.com

our second day adventure: 第二天行程
1) the Smithsonian National Zoo 华盛顿动物园
2) Sculpture gardern 雕塑公园
3) the National Gallery of Art 国家艺术馆
4) US capitol 美国国务院
5) US Botanic Garden 美国植物园
6) the US Supreme Court 美国最高法院
7) chinatown 中国城 6park.com

请点击新制作的华盛顿4天游,让我带你走一走看一看七个有名的地方。 6park.com


--------分界线---------- 6park.com

3月4月是很多地方樱花盛开的时节,在美国,看樱花最好的地方就是华盛顿特区。但是去一次也不一定是碰上了高峰期,但还算好,樱花开了有50%,有的因为几天的霜冻延迟了,有的被冻坏了。视频是讲述旅途的故事,这一集讲的是第一天的部份行程。请点击视频看我精心编辑的视频。 6park.com

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