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🌸华盛顿的第2天雕塑公园特集 第1天第2天重温
送交者: jmzjmz[♂★★★★平凡之人★★★★♂] 于 2023-03-08 14:02 已读 5124 次 8 赞  


华盛顿的第2天去了很多的地方,雕塑公园的雕塑我全拍了,当时展示的有不少,做了这个特集,请点击欣赏。 6park.com


The National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden is a beautiful outdoor space located on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. It opened to the public in 1999 and is home to a diverse collection of contemporary and modern sculptures. 6park.com

The garden features 21 works of art by artists such as Joan Miro, Roy Lichtenstein, and Alexander Calder. One of the most iconic sculptures in the garden is "Typewriter Eraser, Scale X" by Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen, a massive sculpture that resembles a giant office tool. 6park.com

In addition to the sculptures, the garden also features a variety of plants and fountains, making it a peaceful oasis in the heart of the city. It is open year-round, and admission is free. 6park.com

The Sculpture Garden is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, and it is a great place to take a relaxing stroll, enjoy some art, and take in the beauty of the National Mall. 6park.com

我到这刻要做帖了才知道有个雕塑很有名,叫Typewriter Eraser, Scale X,这个雕塑是我当时觉得最看不懂的,就是没看出来是什么的,也不好看的雕塑。我就拍了一张,不然会多拍些的。 6park.com


Typewriter Eraser, Scale X is a sculpture of a large-scale typewriter eraser by Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen. 6park.com

Constructed in 1999, this model is located at the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden. Other models are also located at Seattle Center near the Museum of Pop Culture, and CityCenter, Paradise. Typewriter Eraser, Scale X is on view at the Norton Museum of Art. 6park.com

这个雕塑公园有很多的雕塑,也许以后我能识别的更多。在做视频时,我还不知道雕塑的名字,不然我会配音了。 6park.com

问GPT,雕塑的名字,这是我得到的。 6park.com

Yes, I can provide you with a list of the sculptures currently on display in the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden in Washington, D.C. Here are the 21 sculptures in alphabetical order by artist's last name: 6park.com

"Cheval Rouge" by Alexander Calder
"Reclining Figure: Angle" by Henry Moore
"Two Piece Reclining Figure: Points" by Henry Moore
"Three Rectangles Horizontal Jointed Gyratory III" by George Rickey
"Four-Sided Pyramid" by Sol LeWitt
"Hanging Red" by Ellsworth Kelly
"House I" by Roy Lichtenstein
"House II" by Roy Lichtenstein
"Le Guichet" by Joan Miro
"Penguin" by Tom Claassen
"Untitled" by Joel Shapiro
"Chair Transformation Number 20B" by Magdalena Abakanowicz
"Typewriter Eraser, Scale X" by Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen
"Graft" by Roxy Paine
"Out of Wedlock" by Sarah Sze
"Split-Rocker" by Jeff Koons
"Six-Part Seating" by Scott Burton
"Curved Ellipse" by Ellsworth Kelly
"Snake" by Richard Serra
"Pyramid" by Barnett Newman
"Organic III" by Tony Smith 6park.com

Please note that the collection may change over time, and some works may be temporarily removed for conservation or exhibition purposes. 6park.com




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