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🌸4 days in Washington DC 行程第2天忙打卡
送交者: jmzjmz[♂★★★★平凡之人★★★★♂] 于 2023-03-04 22:48 已读 5797 次 6 赞  


our second day adventure: 第二天行程 6park.com

1) the Smithsonian National Zoo 华盛顿动物园
2) Sculpture gardern 雕塑公园
3) the National Gallery of Art 国家艺术馆
4) US capitol 美国国务院
5) US Botanic Garden 美国植物园
6) the US Supreme Court 美国最高法院
7) chinatown 中国城 6park.com

请点击新制作的华盛顿4天游,让我带你走一走看一看七个有名的地方。 6park.com


On the first day, we visited 7 tourist attractions. Please check the links of the videos in the desciption. 6park.com

The second day is another day with a busy schedule. 6park.com

We visited the zoo and went to see the giant panda first. 6park.com

In the Smithsonian National Zoo, there is a panda family, mom, dad and their baby. 6park.com

The giant panda seemed busy eating bamboos. 6park.com

I made seperate videos for the panda and the animals. 6park.com

After the zoo, we went to Woodley Park Zoo/Adams Morgan station. 6park.com

The subway constructed with the rock-tunneling method is deep under the ground. 6park.com

Woodley park zoo station is 150 feet below ground. 6park.com

After Forest Glen, it is the second deepest station in the subway system. 6park.com

The escalators have a vertical rise of 102 feet.
They are the longest in the District of Columbia and the third longest on the Metrorail system. 6park.com

You can see the beautiful waffle-style arches. 6park.com

We got off at the Metro Center station. 6park.com

The next destination is the National Gallery of Art. 6park.com

Along the road, we saw the Sculpture Garden. 6park.com

It is the part of the National Gallery of Art. 6park.com

We arrived at the National Gallery of Art. We spent hours covering most part but not all of it. 6park.com

The National Gallery of Art, and its attached Sculpture Garden, is a national art museum in Washington, D.C., located on the National Mall, between 3rd and 9th Streets, at Constitution Avenue NW. 6park.com

Open to the public and free of charge 6park.com

I made 3 separate videos for the National Gallery of Art. 6park.com

We left the National Gallery of Art, and walked to US capitol, and took some photos outside. 6park.com

A pool nearby attracted hundreds of seagulls adding an exciting view to the capitol. 6park.com

We walked to the US Botanic Garden. 6park.com

The flowers and plants are so beautiful. 6park.com

We walked to the US Supreme Court and took some photos outside. 6park.com

We did not know many federal buildings need to be reserved first, so we only took photos outside. 6park.com

It was late afternoon. we took the train to Gallery PI - Chinatown station. 6park.com

Washington, D.C.'s Chinatown is a small, historic area east of Downtown Washington, D.C. along H and I Streets between 5th and 8th Streets, Northwest. 6park.com

We were hungry and walked into a crowded restaurant. 6park.com

The food was delicous. 6park.com

This marked our second day adventure.

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