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🥬洛根广场农贸市场 8 Must-Visit Farmer's Markets in U.S.
送交者: jmzjmz[♂★★★★平凡之人★★★★♂] 于 2023-02-03 14:41 已读 5473 次 8 赞  


自 2005 年以来,洛根广场农贸市场 (LSqFM) 一直是一个露天食品市场和每周一次的社区聚会。 2007 年,洛根广场商会 (LSCC) 承担了这项工作,自此成为 LSqFM 的首要组织者。 LSqFM 是 Chicago Food Shed 的农民和小规模食品生产商销售商品并与消费者建立关系的地方; 居民来看望邻居、吃饭和娱乐的地方; 并参与洛根广场社区。请点击看农贸市场。 6park.com


Since 2005, The Logan Square Farmers Market (LSqFM) has been an open-air food market and weekly community gathering. In 2007, the Logan Square Chamber of Commerce (LSCC) took on this effort and has been LSqFM's premier organizer since. The LSqFM is a place where farmers and small-scale food producers from the Chicago Food Shed sell their goods and build relationships with consumers; where residents come to see their neighbors, be fed and entertained; and participate in the Logan Square community. 6park.com

Today we remain one of the only weekly, year-round, Farmers Markets in the City of Chicago. 6park.com

这一组片子是过去拍的,现在整理,很多都过爆了,PS就最基本的调整了一下,这样可看多了,片子就不放了,实在是一般。帖子不多,我就先凑个出来。 6park.com

它的历史 6park.com

2005 - City of Chicago’s Mayor’s Office of Special Events launches, "The Logan Square Farmers Market" 6park.com

2007 - City of Chicago partners with the Logan Square Chamber of Commerce (LSCC) and the LSCC becomes the LSqFM's new organizer 6park.com

2008 - Became the first in the State of Illinois to process EBT for LINK Card Users 6park.com

2009 - The Indoor Market Season during the fall and winter months is introduced 6park.com

2013 - Featured as one of "8 Must-Visit Farmer's Markets Around the U.S." by Zagat 6park.com

2016 - Named “Best Farmers Market in Chicago” by Chicago Magazine and received an Honorable mention in the New York Time’s "36 Hours in Chicago" 6park.com

2017 - Honored as the Best Farmers Market in Illinois by USA Today 6park.com

2019 - Voted "Best Farmers' Market" in Chicago Reader's, "Best of Chicago 2019" 6park.com

2020 - Voted "Best Farmers' Market" in Chicago Reader's, "Best of Chicago 2020" 6park.com

2021 - Voted "Best Street Market" in Chicago by Time Out Chicago's 'Best of 2021'

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