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🍂金秋走进森林 Starved Rock Dam + 这里有过谋杀
送交者: jmzjmz[♂★★★★平凡之人★★★★♂] 于 2022-10-05 12:25 已读 5030 次 10 赞  


十月去了一个州公园,是个原始森林,森林很大,我们就走了一个徒步道叫river trail,这条道是沿着河的,这条河叫illinois river,是条大河。从这条道的一头开始走,没有全走完,差不多就折回了,拍拍走走停停,也走了一个多小时了。这个大森林我一共制作了5个视频,包括最先的从车里拍摄的一集,这集是Starved Rock Dam。大坝很壮观,很多人打卡,风景很漂亮,请你点击视频。 6park.com


大坝 秋叶 小道 基本概括了这个大森林的精华了。 6park.com

大坝 6park.com


秋叶 6park.com


小道 6park.com


因为我想练练拍运动中的车外的景。从开着的车里拍外面开过来的车,怎样把它拍清楚,然后又怎样把景取好等等,回来后一张张看,取景我自己满意,快速抓拍的景还是可以的,没有很乱。具体的参数我都列在了视频里了。这是一次练习,我用的是shutter priority快门优先,我选了2种1/640 and 1/1000. 白天用了ISO 2500,晚上用了ISO 5000. 请点击视频看我拍的车外的景。用1080HD看,我拍片用了fine,所以就制作成1080HD了。没拍最高档的extra fine。但youtube总是自动设在480上,需要点那个齿轮,再选1080HD。 6park.com


网上查来的 Starved Rock State Park is a wilderness area on the Illinois River in the U.S. state of Illinois. It’s known for its steep sandstone canyons formed by glacial meltwater. Several, including the St. Louis, French and Wildcat canyons, have waterfalls. A wooded trail leads to Lover’s Leap Overlook, with views of the river and Starved Rock Dam. Park wildlife includes white-tailed deer, bald eagles and migratory birds. ― Google 6park.com

这个森林曾有过谋杀案,还拍成了记录片 6park.com

Murders at Starved Rock 6park.com

This three-part documentary series explores the 1960 brutal murders of three women in Starved Rock State Park in LaSalle County, Illinois. 6park.com

听说谋杀的人是被冤枉的,关了几十年。 6park.com

A hair found on the glove of a woman brutally beaten to death in 1960 Illinois does not match that of the man convicted of her murder. Chester Weger, who was paroled in 2020 after serving nearly 60 years in prison for killing Frances Murphy, 47, along with her two friends Lillian Oetting, 50, and Mildred Lindquist, 50, has never stopped declaring his innocence. Weger and his defense attorney Andy Hale see the DNA findings, which Hale shared with Rolling Stone before they were made public during a court hearing on Monday, as enough evidence to vacate his conviction. Hale plans to present the DNA findings, along with other evidence he says exonerates Weger, to the state’s attorney in the coming days and hopes Weger will see his conviction overturned within his lifetime. “It’s wonderful,” Weger tells Rolling Stone. “I knew it would be coming some day.” Weger is 83 now, and a man of few words and several health ailments, but he maintains that he wants his reputation to be cleared before he dies. “I’m innocent,” he says. “I was innocent. I wanna be vacated.”

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