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送交者: satchmo[知县★] 于 2013-09-06 8:04 已读 590 次  


Please turn on the music, let the story begin... 夜幕降临 The dark is coming 火炬在魔法城堡燃起 Torches are lit around the magic castle 力士和小丑开始唤魔的舞蹈 Clowns start to dance, summoning the devil 傻瓜无聊地把玩着火把 The idiot is playing with the torches 舞蹈渐入佳境 The dance is getting intense 舞者几近疯狂 The dancers are out of control 终于,恶魔听到召唤,这将是个疯狂的夜晚! As expected,The dveil appears, It will be a crazy night! 突然,神灯被无意间点燃 Suddenly, a lamp is lit accidentally 火焰独角兽现身驱赶了恶魔 Here comes the flaming unicorn. The devil retreats 一切又恢复了秩序,这仅仅是个火的把戏 Everything is back to order, or it is just a fire trick? The End.
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