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lol! I tried mine too before I went for the shoot
送交者: stevenzhang[♂☆商业摄影人☆♂] 于 2013-02-06 2:04 已读 20 次  


回答: Chase Jarvis TECH: Strobed Photo Sequences 由 eleement 于 2013-02-05 11:37

the flash I bought can keep up with 2fps at 0.9 of full power...but the light it can produce is far less than that I needed. In another word, my flash is too weak.  www.6park.com

on the shooting day, I have to set my flash at full power to get as much light out of them as possible. in those photos with the flash in the frame, you can see some of them doesn't have flash firing. this is because, the flash recycle time can not keep up with even my 2 fps burst. www.6park.com

The studio strobe from this youtube video, on the other hand, is a totally different story. it could be a crazy 1000Ws+ strobe which by itself could easily cost >$1500 USD. it is around >15 times more powerful than the one I have...even at their lowest output it's still several times greater than my flash at full power! Its insane! and it's recycle time can keep up with 8 fps! www.6park.com

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