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Great work it certainly is! Hi, 杰夫,
送交者: Onlooker[♂知县★♂] 于 2012-11-27 11:06 已读 33 次  


回答: 我的非洲(之一)-----------走拍贫民窟[作品] 由 杰夫 于 2012-11-27 2:50

your adventure is a lot more than just a journey of photography, in my opinion, this is no less than a journey of life. I admire your courage and daring. Your bravery has not been rewarded with nothing. You have brought back and shared with us multiple photographs of African people who look surprisingly being well and friendly. I do not particularly endorse pictures that try to catch eyeballs with people in them living in indigent conditions, looking miserable and pathetic. Your photos are different, they depicted people with hope and integrity. You definitely have a pair of eyes with unique visions. I can’t wait to see your photography of nature and social life in African
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