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As a matter of fact I did have shown my work here,
送交者: Onlooker[♂知县★♂] 于 2012-11-23 8:14 已读 29 次  


回答: 你这家伙,论坛里最神秘的人物,真想看看你的片子 由 自由与勇气 于 2012-11-22 9:59

but very little for sure and that was a long time ago. I am an old fashioned guy, what I like not necessarily that of yours. You don’t lose a thing for not seeing my work. I don’t have sophisticated photo equipment. I am unable to show a glamorous style of photography. The pictures I shoot could be boring for most people here. Besides, I have technical problems too. I was trying to upload a few photos here, but it just wouldn’t do it for me, after several attempts I gave up. I know that is embarrassing. But please don’t blame me for not sharing my work here. I tried but failed. A backward guy!
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