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Forgive me for my lack of knowledge, merganser,
送交者: Onlooker[♂知县★♂] 于 2012-08-30 13:09 已读 17 次  


回答: Hi. good to know you are still lingering around. 由 merganser 于 2012-08-29 11:02

about image-posting on the Internet. Do you mean that if you use Flickr to display your image(s), you are not allowed to do the same elsewhere? So people who used to frequent here have chosen to leave because they thought that Flickr was a better place for their photos? But do you know why and what the difference is? Are you about to leave too? I did mean that I miss pyro for his medium formats; I also miss grassinwind for his (or her) adventure photography; williamXP for his landscape and you of cause for your wonderful bird shots. But anyway I hope the best for you guys. You all have some kind of gift in photography!
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