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送交者: DjTer[☆帅的掉渣☆] 于 2018-07-02 18:28 已读 2896 次  


给家里人买的华为mate 9 一年多了, 电池的性能逐渐下降。 从开始的两天一次充电最近变成了一天一次。 所以就想把电池给换了。  联系了华为的在线客服,发现特别的有礼貌但是也太啰嗦了   在提供了电话的sn后, 还不忘了提醒我使用信用卡购买的电子产品信用卡公司、银行会自动延长其一年的warranty, 电子产品在本身的warranty过期后Visa/Master/Amex免费提供一年的延长。 我想说的是,维修是需要成本和花费的,但是在此之前,我从来没有遇到过任何的其他公司会帮助客户想尽各种办法来降低维修费用。   而且, 维修的费用非常的低, $106.09 可以得到新的电池和屏幕, 还包含往返的邮寄费用。  不得不说, 这绝对是他妈的良心价。  比起购买的额外的意外破损保险都值

谁来说说Apple Care换电池和屏幕多少钱? Ticket: T6##########8

Thankyou for contacting Huawei TechnicalSupportUSA.

      Here are our suggestions for your Mate 9 battery issue, Mr. #######.      
Official Repair Option     The Official Repair Option with Huawei costs $106.09 USD, and includes:  I. the shipping to our Authorized Service Center,  II. a new battery,  III. a new display,  IV. the handling and repair service,  V. the shipping back to you,  VI. an extended warranty of 90 days for battery issues.    If you choose to go with this option, first of all you have to pay for the repair option through the website linked below:   https://www.hihonor.com/us/product/10001642254987.html   Then, you will have to contact us via Chat, Hotline, or Email, providing us with your Full Name, Phone Number, Email Address, and Order Number     Extended Warranty   Contact your Bank Institution in order to check whether you have the One Year Extended Warranty.         Third Party Repair Option   Contact a 3rd Party Technician Repair Shop in order to compare options and prices. Clicking on the link below you can find the nearest Repair Shop. Quick reminder: those Repair Shops are not linked to Huawei, those are external options for customers.  https://www.service-center-locator.com/huawei/huawei-service-center.htm       Should you have further questions do not hesitate in contacting us once again.          Best Regards     Huawei Technical Support
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