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JT 有人试过被amazon寄坏东西了吗
送交者: 微软牌沐浴露[♂进士☆♂] 于 2011-01-29 2:13 已读 133 次 1 赞  


回答: 森海塞尔PX100 II还是是CX300 II ??[讨论]  由 戚继光饼 于 2011-01-28 20:16

Greetings from Amazon.com.

We have been contacted by the shipper regarding order #002-4766258-9905817 and it appears that the package was damaged in transit.

To ensure you receive your item(s) as soon as possible, we've created a new order (#103-1263255-8106653) which will be shipped to the same destination, at absolutely no additional charge to you. You should receive confirmation of this shipment soon.

There's no need to worry about your original shipment -- we've contacted the carrier and they should be returning it to us instead of delivering it to you. If, however, you should receive a duplicate shipment, please visit http://www.amazon.com/returns to print a postage-paid mailing label to return the extra shipment at our expense.

We hope this solution is satisfactory. We appreciate your business and hope to see you again soon at Amazon.com.

Sincerely, www.6park.com


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