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送交者: foobar2K[进士☆] 于 2011-04-14 11:08 已读 16 次  


回答: 小白对LG 等离子电视求助  由 行长 于 2011-04-14 8:04

Some plasma TVs have had buzz. It seems to specific to particular sets though some product lines have been slightly more prone than others. There are actually two kinds of buzz. One kind comes from the back of the set and is generally very low in level and cannot be heard more than a foot or so from the set. The other kind is when the whole panel buzzes. This kind of buzz can be much louder and is the one people complain of. Not everyone seems to be able to hear these buzzes, possibly because of the frequency range they fall in. Panel buzz does not appear to be related to altitude. www.6park.com

The panel buzz seems to be more of a problem in single sheet of glass panels (Pioneer sets only) or some of the very thin ones (some Samsung and Panasonic instances). It is not predictable based on a particular model line. One instance of a set may buzz while another will not. The percentage of sets that do buzz seems to be fairly small so the chances of getting one are low. If you are interested in a set somewhat prone to buzz, you would want to be sure that you can easily exchange the set for another one if there is a problem. www.6park.com

There is considerable discussion of plasma buzzing in the plasma forums at www.avsforum.com.

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