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I don"t think that"s what apple aiming for this time
送交者: 寂寞无情[♂★★MobileGen★★♂] 于 2011-04-20 15:00 已读 6 次  


回答: 狗咬狗,没有赢家输家,最后庭外和解,皆大欢喜 由 dbj 于 2011-04-20 14:25

Apple is aiming for the fact that Galaxy S out sell the iphone last year. They want this competition off the market. Many of you are wondering why? Because the main reason that android is not going as strong as it should be it is because different sets of hardware is making Google much difficult to unify the user experience. Google choose samsung to make the Nexus S it is because most of the android phone use similar hardware as Nexus S in 2010. Google jump away from samsung for the next Nexus for the same reason, samsung use their own chipset for the galaxy S 2 while most android devices runs on trega 2.  www.6park.com

the reason most people think iphone ran better than android it is because Apple only need to fix one hardware type at a time. Unlike google who need to make sure android runs on all the low, mid and high end devices. Even right now for the android 3.0. Google is making sure all the tablet has the same hardware, so when they release the update, all the devices will be benefit from it. Instead of all the bugs happenning to android 2.3 right now.

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