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送交者: 苏新[♂太守★☆♂] 于 2011-08-18 15:06 已读 77 次  


And just like that, Palm's baby was abandoned. Among the "other announcements" in today's press release about the potential spinoff of its entire Personal Systems group (PCs, mobile devices, storage) is a note that the webOS ecosystem HP snagged for $1.2 billion a year ago is already being ditched.

"In addition, HP reported that it plans to announce that it will discontinue operations for webOS devices, specifically the TouchPad and webOS phones. HP will continue to explore options to optimize the value of webOS software going forward." www.6park.com

Among slightly lowered estimates for its 2011 revenue, HP confirms it's in talks with Autonomy Corporation plc about a "possible offer" for the company. A separation of HP the services company and HP the hardware manufacturer apparently leaves no room in the lifeboat for the Pre and TouchPad family of devices, but what happens next? We're sure there will be more pointed questions about what "optimizing the value of webOS software going forward" -- we vote for a quickie sale to one of Google's disgruntled hardware partners or better yet, opening it up for some community hackery -- means on the conference call scheduled for 5 p.m. Eastern. www.6park.com


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