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Questions about rooting ur android phone.
送交者: Vampire[御史大夫★★★☆] 于 2012-01-03 13:09 已读 9 次  


回答: 《有问必答》1.3  由 寂寞无情 于 2012-01-03 0:07

Hey guys, first of all i want to apologize that i have to type in English since my office computer doesn't have Chinese.  www.6park.com

I've only rooted one android phone in my life and that was ages ago, my question is, when it comes to ROOTING PROCESS, does the phone's current firmware matter, i.e.,i am running 2.3.6 on my NOTE which is the latest firmware it's running, can i still use the ODIN tool to ROOT it? does it matter? thank you very much in advance for whoever's willing to answer my question.

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