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送交者: 我爱胡静[♂★★体坛小东邪★★♂] 于 2022-05-05 21:09 已读 561 次  


回答: 其实我想问,钱一直放在股票帐户里有安全保障吗? 由 unknownzone 于 2022-05-05 20:41

in US: 6park.com

-If a brokerage fails, another financial firm may agree to buy the firm's assets and accounts will be transferred to the new custodian with little interruption. 6park.com

-The government also provides insurance, known as SIPC coverage, on up to $500,000 of securities or $250,000 of cash held at a brokerage firm. 6park.com

-The SIPC will try to recover the account value held at the time of the failure, and does not make up for losses due to price declines in individual securities. 6park.com

-In order to receive SIPC coverage, account holders that have witnessed a brokerage failure must file a valid claim. 6park.com

In Canada: 6park.com

Same logic, but the protection entity is called CIPF.
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