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送交者: bolomi[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2021-06-19 22:11 已读 3361 次 1 赞  


比如 :Tian Ruixiang Holdings Ltd (TIRX)

This definitely was a scam. The pump started in China this morning on wechat and I got a friend requests few weeks ago by a few chinese women. They all sounded the same in their pitch. They tried to get me to buy the top this morning at $95. Of course I didn't. The last one was
was YMGZ and that was the Feb pump. They move around to the next 52 week chinese ticker and frontload. Be careful. Surprised the SEC hasn't caught on or they don't care. 6park.com


Girl from Guangdong China tried to get me. Worked on me for 3 weeks, claiming her brother had inside info. She kept asking how much I had, and not to miss this opportunity. Said she made 1.3 million last year following her brother's advice. Today she said the name of the stock for the first time and said to buy now. Obviously didn't want me to research the stock. I didn't buy, but told her I did, she asked over and over to see my investment screenshot. I said no way. Stock nosedives and she said she didn't think that I went through with buying the stock since I wouldn't share a screenshot. I told her she was right, I suspected a scam and would never trust a stranger from China with anything. I told her she spent a lot of time grooming me and got not a dime, and that she was #$%$ Then I deleted her and blocked her. 6park.com

Less 6park.com

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