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送交者: 卧蛇[♂布政使★★☆♂] 于 2014-03-07 7:55 已读 107 次  


回答: 喔。翻墙学习?你犯法了。下次小心点,哥们。好心的。 由 卧蛇 于 2014-03-07 7:42

Europe pares losses after US jobs data; Russia stocks higher

The Euro Stoxx 600 Index pared losses and the FTSE 100 turned higher after the latest U.S. non-farm payrolls number, which showed 175,000 jobs were created in February. 

Economists polled by Reuters expected the U.S. economy to have created 149,000 jobs in February, up from 129,000, which was revised higher from 113,000. 

The unemployment rate stands at 6.7 percent, slightly above the 6.6 percent forecast.

Ukraine in focus 

Investors are continue to watch the situation in Ukraine. President Vladimir Putin rebuffed a warning from U.S. President Barack Obama over Moscow's military intervention in Crimea, according to Reuters. 

Putin said Friday that Russia could not ignore calls for help from Russian speakers in Ukraine. This came after an hour-long telephone call with Obama, with Putin adding that Moscow and Washington were still far apart on the situation in the former Soviet republic. 

Crimea's parliament voted to join Russia on Thursday, and its Moscow-backed government set in motion a referendum that will be held within 10 days. Russia's MICEX Index traded slightly higher on Friday.
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