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London house prices face boost from Ukraine turmoil
送交者: 卧蛇[♂布政使★★☆♂] 于 2014-03-05 8:10 已读 111 次  


送交者: 柏拉圖[♂中书令★★★♂] 于 2014-03-02 13:35 已读 169 次    

投入了精力去搞好生活版 打從第一日做接手生活版時网友都認为生活版变質了,变成骂街版了. 本着責任, 每晚一点多才睡看着版面, 起床第一件事用手机上留园删广告, 上班开着留国, 写论文开着留园,上廁所用平板上留园.....一直这样,为的就是改善生活板駡街漫駡地域贴的泛濫, 而且一直努力保待着中立. 我的確相信我做到我心目中的成功,骂街少了,比較理性的發言多了,憑的是删贴封人,封駡街的人. 打從一开始管理员就讓我少封人,要包容, 因为水致清则无魚. 我多次重申要包容就会有駡街, 二者只能是其一不可能並存, 而我選擇了嚴管骂街. 管理员方面即使我一再追问卻一直无正面回应是否希望放棄我所打造的乾净板面而去包容某程度上的駡街, 因此我一直奉行自己的政策.....

直到前天在毫无先兆下被徹下版主一职后才猛然知道, 才了解 "水至清则无魚"以及"不要随便封人" 这两句话背后的深層意思,說白了其实就是不希望生活版太乾淨, 希望一直吵吵鬧鬧. 

任何网絡, 包括留园其实都是一门生意, 都会養了一批人, 贴图的,評论的, 管理员有他们的考量, 跟任何公司一样管理员也有他们有他们的老闆, 他们就是執行公司的意志, 因此作为版主, 太單純地一心要为正常大眾网友打造清新版面只能是对牛彈琴. 我是太單純了, 不夠厚黑地去明白管理者到底想要什么样的生活版 或者說我是選錯了版做版主, 生活板在管理员眼中应该是熱鬧一点的版. 现在明白了, 但太遲了. 

我无奈的离开了版主之位. 但我问心无愧
生活版前版主柏拉圖 4/Nov/13 to 1/march/14


London house prices face boost from Ukraine turmoil

The central London property market stands to benefit from the crisis in Ukraine as wealthy Russians and Ukrainians funnel increased amounts of money abroad to escape domestic turmoil, investors have argued. 

Property prices in the British capital have soared because foreign investors view London bricks and mortar as a safe haven for their cash. Research earlier this year found that geopolitical instability abroad had a direct positive effect on London house prices. 

(Read more: Markets may have made Putin blink: Pro) 

Russian president Vladimir Putin declared a renewed fight last December against capital flight, which is estimated to have risen to $65bn last year. But property experts believe the sight of Russian troops entering Ukraine can only hasten the outflow.

"Are Kensington estate agents squealing with fear and pain, or with delight?" said Matthew Sinclair, senior consultant at Europe Economics, who rubbished suggestions that Russian buyers would desert the London market.


Bloomberg contributor | Bloomberg | Getty Images

"If you're sitting in Russia, with huge pressure on the rouble, and Russia burning through its foreign exchange reserves, [investors] might equally see the possibility of their wealth being less secure in Russia. It all comes down to relative political risk." 

Mr Sinclair argued that property prices in central London, which have risen by 12.3 per cent in the past year according to the Office for National Statistics, have benefited from rising political instability elsewhere within the eurozone. 

(Read more: Is political risk the new norm?) 

"[Foreign political risk] needs to continue to get worse for people to continue to move their wealth here on the same kind of scale," he added. 

"We may well have some very wealthy Ukrainians coming in with money they've been hiding at the bottom of their pond or swimming pool," said Naomi Heaton, chief executive of London Central Portfolio, which launched its fourth central London residential investment fund on Tuesday. 

Noting that Russian buyers tended to target "large, trophy properties at the upper end of the market", she added they were "a proportion [of the market] that has been dwindling over the past few years" as Middle Eastern and European investors became more active. "The eurozone crisis, the Arab Spring, the Paris crisis, all of these things are the political and economic themes that drive people to central London." 

MPs on Tuesday expressed worries that ministers might be putting the economic interests of London ahead of political principles, after Hugh Powell, a Foreign Office official, was pictured holding a document saying the UK wanted to protect "London as a financial centre".

Ben Bradshaw, the Labour MP, said: "Up to two-thirds of Russian money in London is from corruption and other crime. At the very least, if Britain's tough words are to mean anything, should not those assets be frozen now?" 

(Read more: Will a weaker yuan heighten China property risks?) 

New research has shown that the UK is the top destination for global investors seeking a new domicile, according to Knight Frank's Wealth Report 2014. 

When the estate agent asked those with assets of $30m or more whether they were thinking of permanently changing their domicile or country of residence, some 37 per cent of respondents from Russia and the CIS said they were considering a move, against 15 per cent globally. 

More from the FT:
Rents in City of London towers fall short
To let – London home, £65,000 a month
Treasury eyes penalties for empty homes 

Liam Bailey, head of residential research at Knight Frank, said: "London is very important to Russia because it's the nearest truly global city to Moscow. There's an element of safe-haven investment but London's Russian community has grown over the last 20 years because it's a logical place for them to think about basing themselves – it allows them to tap into global finance."

About 4 per cent of buyers in the prime central London are Russians, according to data from estate agent Savills. 

Yolande Barnes, director of world research at Savills, said that Russian buyers spend on average £6.3m on their London home. 

"We do not foresee that they will liquidate their assets and suspect that geopolitical uncertainty may only add to demand for 'safe-haven' assets like London real estate," she said.
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