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送交者: mmax[☆一毛神帝☆] 于 2012-09-29 18:24 已读 65 次  


From the first procedure  www.6park.com

Mining process as followed: www.6park.com

1.) php_load_yahoo_sectors.php -> Fetch all sectors -> Obtain all URLs for sector's industry. www.6park.com

2.) php_load_yahoo_sector_industries.php -> Fetch all industries -> Obtain all URLs for each industry www.6park.com

3.) php_load_yahoo_industry_members.php -> Fetch all individual companies from each industry www.6park.com

4.) php_load_yahoo_stock_quotes_daily.php -> Populate stock quotes for all companies. www.6park.com

Street money will buy the following items. www.6park.com

1.) Stocks
2.) Bonds
3.) Commodity
4.) T-Bill
5.) CDs www.6park.com

From the DW, we can gather market information such as: www.6park.com

1.) Total market CAP deltas of individual company over time
to determine the amount money in-flow or out-flow. www.6park.com

2.) Tracking index total CAP deltas over time vs. its components
to determine the amount money in-flow or out-flow of index
and ETFs. www.6park.com

3.) Monitoring aggregated price changes of commodities, t-bills
to determine if money out-flow from stock to commodities, or
T-Bills, or not just on the side line. www.6park.com

Anyway, the idea is try to come up a method for tracking if market is up, how much money was in, how much many left to burn, if money is out, how much is out, where they will go, or not. www.6park.com

No sure this will produce any meaningful information. It is half way done. www.6park.com








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