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送交者: CuriosityC[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2024-04-02 23:21 已读 3910 次 1 赞  







压倒多数的中国自由派学者和意见领袖,忠实复述着以色列哈斯巴拉官宣75年来营造维护的语境。比较典型的有2023年10月9日上传的秦晖的《巴(阿)以问题的由来附录1》。 江棋生先生发表于民主中国网站《江棋生:哈以战争给我带来的新认知附录2》其陈述和和以色列新史学为代表的揭示的历史南辕北辙。极少数学者对于此类观点提出异议,比如英国金融时报中文版刊登的暨南大学文学院姚新勇教授《就教于秦晖老师:无瑕的以色列,不存在的巴勒斯坦?附录3》王明远《论张平、秦晖二教授关于巴以问题的若干基本史实错误附录4》



一. 演化而非预置:良制形成的路径








在2020美国大选中,西方进步派推动美国内政外交大转向。这些转向包括选举制度改革,文化多元化,终结里根时代开启的涓滴经济(Trickle Down Economy)等。如果落实,将根本上对美国政治制度来一次重新设置。因此,进步派被中文圈解读为篡改国父天才设计,违背国父初心的“解构”势力。而竭力阻挡这一变化的玛噶党,川普,却被中国自由派认同为美国宪政传统的捍卫者;在加沙事变以后,西方进步派再一次推动美国外交大转向,推动美国反思对以色列一边倒的支持,推动重新认识伊斯兰世界。如果落实,将根本逆转美国的中东政策,乃至全球外交。又被中文自由圈解读为偏离支持中东民主灯塔的正确方向,与“顽固抗拒现代文明制度”的“极端伊斯兰恐怖主义势力”“神权势力”同流合污的宪政颠覆势力。












“亡以之心不死”的阿拉伯世界,继1948年发动第一次阿以战争,妄图扼杀新生的民主国家之后,处心积虑,屡屡挑起战争。遭到迎头痛击以后,转而纵容扶持哈马斯极端主义上台。“ (江团委墙报风格脑补原文)






其次,引爆阿拉伯人和尤太人尖锐冲突的,并非所谓宗教冲突,更不是什么伊斯兰世界抗拒民主,而是1917年英国基于自身帝国利益推出《贝尔福宣言》,大量向巴勒斯坦移入欧洲犹太移民,让诞生于欧洲的尤太复国主义把巴勒斯坦变成其定居者殖民地(Settler Colony) 建国基地。


[新来的尤太定居者]每天都与周围的阿拉伯环境接触,因为他们依靠邻近村庄提供食物和肥料、季节工和警卫,以及运输和销售他们的产品。哈代拉(Hadera)、米什马尔-哈亚登(Mishmar HaYarden)和梅图拉(Metulla)的新定居者从阿拉伯邻居或工人那里接受了一些农业培训。一些定居点依赖附近村庄的供水,如 1880 年代中期,盖德拉从卡特拉取水。阿拉伯妇女用头上顶着的水壶给梅图拉送水。尤太人和阿拉伯人的田地相邻,这意味着几乎每天都要与农民接触,其中一些人曾一度租用属于定居点的田地。

在整个 1882-1914 年期间,紧张局势和暴力事件的主要原因并不是意外、误解或双方的态度和行为,而是客观的历史条件以及双方利益和目标的冲突。阿拉伯人本能地寻求保留该地区的阿拉伯和穆斯林特征,并维护其作为合法居民的地位;犹太复国主义者则从根本上寻求改变现状,购买尽可能多的土地,在这些土地上定居,并最终将一个阿拉伯人居住的国家变成犹太人的家园。(译自本尼莫里斯《正义的受害者》附录6)

莫里斯赞不仅同种族清洗附录7,而且支持尤太复国主义,宣扬伊斯兰的信仰是阿以矛盾之源附录8,并且不遗余力地宣扬阿拉伯人和穆斯林是以色列境内的是第五纵队附录9。而他的描述表明,阿拉伯和尤太人矛盾激化,与宗教没有什么关系。以色列建国过程中执行的残酷的种族清洗才是以色列阿拉伯和尤太人矛盾的根源,不仅是以色列新历史学家的共识,甚至许多亲政府,支持犹太复国主义(Zionism) 的历史学家也不反对。







以色列在1967年六日战争中占领了大量巴勒斯坦土地,但是根据国际法,一国通过战争扩张领土非法。为避免将到手的土地交还给巴勒斯坦人,以色列需要告诉世界,与巴勒斯坦人的和平遥遥无期,它必须为了自卫目的保留被占领土。于是,1982年,以色列的一位重量级战略家,Avner Yanif“机智”地发明了一个名词:巴勒斯坦“和平攻势”(Palestine Peace Offensive),来掩饰一个难堪的尴尬:巴勒斯坦如果与以色列和解,同时遵照联合国决议建国,以色列就要忍痛吐出大片1967年以来占领的土地。这正是以色列最不愿意做的。

就像芬克尔斯坦在《Method and Madness》中写道附录11:

“时间快进到 2008 年 12 月 ‘铸铅行动 ’(Operation Cast Lead) 前夕。以色列外长齐皮-利夫尼(Tzipi Livni )表示,以色列希望与哈马斯创造一个暂时的平静期,但长期停战 “有损以色列的战略目标,增强了哈马斯的力量,并给人以以色列承认该运动的印象”…

“以色列袭击的结果可想而知,哈马斯恢复了火箭弹袭击–“作为报复”,以色列情报和恐怖主义信息中心如是写道。不过,据以色列内部安全主管尤瓦尔-迪斯金(Yuval Diskin)称,哈马斯 “对恢复与以色列之间的相对平静很感兴趣”,而且哈马斯愿意接受 “讨价还价”,即 “以停火换取以色列放松……”。以色列国防军驻加沙前指挥官 施慕尔扎凯伊(Shmuel Zakai) 说:”以色列的政策一直扼杀着加沙地带的经济”。但以色列再次加强了对加沙的非法经济封锁,同时要求哈马斯单方面无条件停火。甚至在以色列加强封锁之前,前联合国人权事务高级专员玛丽-鲁滨逊就谴责了封锁的影响: 加沙的 “整个文明都被摧毁了,我没有夸大其词”。据一个以色列人权组织称,到 2008 年 12 月,以色列已使加沙的基础设施 “濒临崩溃”。”萨拉-罗伊报告说:”食品、药品、燃料、供水和卫生系统部件、化肥、塑料布、电话、纸张、胶水、鞋子,甚至茶杯,都不再有足够的数量或根本无法通过。”整个社会的崩溃就发生在我们面前,但除了联合国的警告之外,国际社会几乎没有任何反应,而这些警告却被置若罔闻。“

“如果哈马斯在 11 月 4 日[以色列对加沙的]屠杀事件后保持被动,以色列几乎肯定会加紧挑衅,就像它在 1982 年战争前所做的那样,直到克制在政治上对伊斯兰运动变得站不住脚。无论如何,面对即使停止发射火箭也会遭到以色列窒息性封锁的前景,并因此被迫在 “饥饿与战斗 “之间做出选择,哈马斯选择了抵抗,尽管主要是象征性的抵抗。”这位前以色列国防军驻加沙指挥官说:”你不能只进行打击,让加沙的巴勒斯坦人陷入经济困境,然后指望哈马斯坐视不管。”哈立德-米沙尔在 “铸铅行动 “期间的一封公开信中写道:”我们自制的微不足道的火箭弹,是我们向世界发出的抗议呐喊。但是,以色列现在可以向其故意轻信的西方赞助者提出自卫请求,因为它又开始了一次凶残的入侵。除了剧本上的细微改动–敌人不是 “巴解组织恐怖主义 “而是 “哈马斯恐怖主义”,借口不是北部的炮击而是南部的火箭弹袭击–2008 年的重演非常忠实于 1982 年的原版。它破坏了正常运作的停火协议,挫败了巴勒斯坦的又一次和平攻势。以色列现在可以松一口气了。”





(A) 西方宪政左派和美国进步派







国际共产主义运动历史上,十九世纪伯恩施坦主义最终主导第二国际,西欧社会党融入宪政,到1959年11月15日,德国社民党通过戈德斯堡纲领(Godesberger Programm附录12),1970年代,让克格勃如临大敌的欧洲共产主义(Eurocommunism)都从侧面证明了宪政制度,有序博弈的强大生命力。所有西方诞生的,企图通过暴力而非宪政手段实现政治目标的组织,无一例外都因为丧失民众的支持,而在实行宪政的西方国家式微消亡,




1866年夺取参众两院压倒多数,推动国会主导战后重建(Congressional Reconstruction附录13)的激进共和党,1960年代的民权运动;越战以后的美国反战运动;以及2020以来,一再为挫败玛噶革命发挥了关键作用的大学生选民团。


(B) 激进共和党人和林肯共和国确立


当时,南方邦联的主要政党就是民主党。内战前,民主党代表小政府和奴隶庄园利益。但是内战爆发时,有一部分民主党人赞成联邦统一,安德鲁杰克逊就是这样一位民主党人。而共和党则分为温和共和党(Moderate Republican附录13) 和激进共和党(Radical Republican附录13) 两派。林肯总统是共和党内温和派领袖。激进共和党则主张根本改革,根除奴隶制。激进共和党在推动林肯将保守谨慎的北军总司令麦克莱伦(George B. McClellan)解职,替换为格兰特将军的过程中,发挥了关键的作用。
1864年,北军节节胜利,激进共和党人俄亥俄参议员本杰明韦德(Benjamin Wade)和马里兰众议员亨利戴维斯(Henry Winter Davis)推出重建法案附录14,遭到林肯总统否决。戴维斯愤怒至极,发表声明,公开谴责林肯迎合南方选举人,”听命于其个人野心 “,篡夺国会权力。并呼吁”国会的权力至高无上,必须得到尊重”。

1866年美国中期选举,选民通把废除奴隶制参与最积极,最富于进步主义元素的激进共和党推上舞台。在国会夺得压倒多数。 激进共和党人撒迪厄斯·史蒂文斯(Thaddeus Stevens附录13)查尔斯萨姆纳(Charles Sumner附录13) 出掌参众两院。开启了美国历史上著名的国会重建时代(Congressional Reconstruction附录13)。






按照芬克尔斯坦的研究,为维护殖民利益,以色列将“阻吓能力”(Deterrence Capacity)附录16视作其阿拉伯国家外交的基石。以军承平日久,满洲八旗,蒙古铁骑,奥斯曼土耳其禁卫军不能逃脱的命运,躺在殖民利益上骄奢淫逸惯了的以色列官兵同样不能摆脱。2006年第二次黎巴嫩战争以后,中东国家都看到,曾经让人闻风色变的以军战斗力今非昔比。真主党更是有恃无恐。




以色列《国土报》专栏作家B Michael在2023年10月17日撰文附录17,提出加沙惨案以后,以色列全民亢奋,军国主义,种族主义失控背后的最重要的制度原因:



2022年12月28日,包括以色列阿拉伯少数民族权利法律中心、以色列占领领土人权信息中心、和平战士组织、保护个人中心(HaMoked)、人权捍卫者基金、父母反对拘留儿童组织、以色列医生促进人权协会、以色列反对酷刑公共委员会、正义之炬(Torat Tzedek)和以色列人权理事会(Yesh Din)在内的10家以色列NGO为贝策勒姆报告背书,并且之心国际法院检察官:“我们承诺协助贵办公室推进对巴勒斯坦局势的持续调查。附录20”





因此,良制离不开博弈纠错的演化。 确保演化有序持续,才是宪政的使命。无法通过持续博弈不断纠错的制度不可避免地向暴政沉沦。








美国是制度自我纠错的典范,而以色列走不出种族隔离的泥潭。为保持西方国家袒护,以色列把巨额资源投放在哈斯巴拉官宣和构筑遍布西方各国的游说机构,力图操纵各国政商学界。最著名的就是2009年,以色列动用各种游说机构,企图迫使联合国指派的大法官撤回自己对以军在加沙犯下战争罪行的戈德尔斯通报告(the Goldstone Report附录21, 22, 23) 。








我们这一代人从小就被灌输了这样的观念:圣经中的应许之地是一片广袤的沙漠,居住着少数贫困的巴勒斯坦人,他们与骆驼为伴,在沙地上勉强度日。尤太人的到来被吹捧为给这些沙漠居民莫大的福音。梅厄夫人甚至向我们保证 “不存在巴勒斯坦问题”。


事实上,在尤太新移民占领这块土地之前,尤太人仅占人口的 7%,拥有 3%的土地。





…我想我同意埃胡德-巴拉克(1998 年 6 月 3 日)所说的:”如果我是巴勒斯坦人,我也会加入恐怖组织”。也许我会更进一步。与其绝望地扔小石头,不如扔大石头。

关于加沙,2021年12月14日,以色列《国土报》专栏作家B Michael 写道附录28:

“现在正式宣布 这里是种族隔离区,不是监狱。 是种族隔离区 。监狱和种族隔离区 有什么区别?在监狱里,人们因犯罪而被监禁 在种族隔离区 ,人们因基因而被限制在隔离区内。

 200多万人挤在种族隔离区 里。 99%的人都是无辜的。但这并不影响种族隔离区 及其建造者。毕竟,种族隔离区 一直都是为无辜者而设的。有谁比我们更清楚这一点呢?”








5)^Avi Shlaim: The Debate About 1948 (https://users.ox.ac.uk/~ssfc0005/The%20Debate%20About%201948.html)


“The conventional Zionist account of the 1948 War goes roughly as follows. The conflict between Jews and Arabs in Palestine came to a head following the passage, on 29 November 1947, of the United Nations partition resolution which called for the establishment of two states, one Jewish and one Arab. The Jews accepted the UN plan despite the painful sacrifices it entailed but the Palestinians, the neighbouring Arab states and the Arab League rejected it. Great Britain did everything in its power towards the end of the Palestine Mandate to frustrate the establishment of the Jewish state envisaged in the UN plan. With the expiry of the Mandate and the proclamation of the State of Israel, seven Arab states sent their armies into Palestine with the firm intention of strangling the Jewish state at birth. The subsequent struggle was an unequal one between a Jewish David and an Arab Goliath. The infant Jewish state fought a desperate, heroic and ultimately successful battle for survival against overwhelming odds. During the war, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled to the neighbouring Arab states, mainly in response to orders from their leaders and despite Jewish pleas to stay and demonstrate that peaceful co-existence was possible. After the war, the story continues, Israeli leaders sought peace with all their heart and all their might but there was no one to talk to on the other side. Arab intransigence was alone responsible for the political deadlock which was not broken until President Anwar Sadat’s visit to Jerusalem thirty years later.

This conventional Zionist account or old history of the 1948 War displays a number of features. In the first place, it is not history in the proper sense of the word. Most of the voluminous literature on the war was written not by professional historians but by participants, by politicians, soldiers, official historians and by a large host of sympathetic chroniclers, journalists, biographers and hagiographers. Secondly, this literature is very short on political analysis of the war and long on chronicles of the military operations, especially the heroic feats of the Israeli fighters. Third, this literature maintains that Israel’s conduct during the war was governed by higher moral standards than that of her enemies. Of particular relevance here is the precept of tohar haneshek or the purity of arms which posits that weapons remain pure provided they are employed only in self-defence and provided they are not used against innocent civilians and defenceless people. This popular-heroic-moralistic version of the 1948 war is the one which is taught in Israeli schools and used extensively in the quest for legitimacy abroad. It is a prime example of the use of a nationalist version of history in the process of nation-building.

Although many of the arguments of the new historiography are not new, there is a qualitative difference between this historiography and the bulk of the earlier studies, whether they accepted or contradicted the official Zionist line. The difference, in a nutshell, is that the new historiography is written with access to the official Israeli and Western documents whereas the earlier writers had no access, or only partial access, to the official documents. This is not a hard and fast rule; there are many exceptions and there are also degrees of access. Nevertheless, it is generally true to say that the new historians, with the exception of the late Simha Flapan, have carried out extensive archival research in Israel, Britain and America and that their arguments are backed by hard documentary evidence and by a Western-style scholarly apparatus.

This article is concerned with the old Zionist version of the first Arab-Israeli war and with the challenge to this version posed by the new historiography. My conclusion is that this version is deeply flawed and needs to be radically revised in the light of the new information that is now available. To put it bluntly, this version is little more than the propaganda of the victors. The debate between the old and the new historiography, moreover, is not of merely historical interest. It cuts to the very core of Israel’s image of herself. It is for this reason that the battle of the historians has excited such intense popular interest and stirred such strong political passions.”


6) ^Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-2001 by Benny Morris

Two The Beginning of the Conflict, Jews and Arabs in Palestine: 1881-1914, 
Relations Between Olim And Arabs And The Causes Of Arab-Jewish Antagonism:


The new colonists were in daily contact with the surrounding Arab milieu, for they relied on neighboring villages for food and manure, for seasonal laborers and guards, and for the transporting and marketing of their produce. Colonists in Hadera, Mishmar HaYarden, and Metulla received some agricultural training from Arab neighbors or workers. Some settlements depended on nearby villages for their water, such as Gedera from Qatra in the mid-1880s. Arab women brought water to Metulla in jugs carried on their heads. Contiguous Jewish and Arab fields meant almost daily contact with the fellahin, some of whom for a time rented fields belonging to settlements.
Arab Hostility Toward The New Jews


There was of course another, equally important, side to the coin. The settlers lived in perpetual fear of attack by their employees inside the moshavot or by Arabs from outside. Like white colonists everywhere, they felt perpetually threatened by the surrounding mass, and they were a minority exploiting and occasionally displacing a native population. Moreover, the Arabs often enjoyed the sympathy, if not the backing, of the Ottoman officials and police. They had the right to bear arms and knew how to use them better than did most Jews. The settlers, who regarded Arabs as hot-tempered, naturally violent, and lawbreaking, often feared to fire them lest they be provoked to violence. And dependent as the Jews were on Arab labor, they could not afford to  alienate the workers.

But the major cause of tension and violence throughout the period 1882–1914 was not accidents, misunderstandings, or the attitudes and behaviors of either side, but objective historical conditions and the conflicting interests and goals of the two populations. The Arabs sought instinctively to retain the Arab and Muslim character of the region and to maintain their position as its rightful inhabitants; the Zionists sought radically to change the status quo, buy as much land as possible, settle on it, and eventually turn an Arab-populated country into a Jewish homeland.

For decades the Zionists tried to camouflage their real aspirations, for fear of angering the authorities and the Arabs. They were, however, certain of their aims and of the means needed to achieve them. Internal correspondence among the olim from the very beginning of the Zionist enterprise leaves little room for doubt. Vladimir (Ze’ev) Dubnow, one of the Biluim, wrote to his brother, the historian Simon Dubnow, in October 1882: “The ultimate goal … is, in time, to take over the Land of Israel and to restore to the Jews the political independence they have been deprived of for these two thousand years.… The Jews will yet arise and, arms in hand (if need be), declare that they are the masters of their ancient homeland.” (Dubnow himself shortly afterward returned to Russia.)

7) ^Survival of the fittest, Haaretz.com 2004/9/1 (该文是对莫里斯专访第二部分,原网页已被国土报删除,现存网络档案版:http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=380984)

“There is no justification for acts of rape. There is no justification for acts of massacre. Those are war crimes. But in certain conditions, expulsion is not a war crime. I don’t think that the expulsions of 1948 were war crimes. You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs. You have to dirty your hands.”

o when the commanders of Operation Dani are standing there and observing the long and terrible column of the 50,000 people expelled from Lod walking eastward, you stand there with them? You justify them?

“I definitely understand them. I understand their motives. I don’t think they felt any pangs of conscience, and in their place I wouldn’t have felt pangs of conscience. Without that act, they would not have won the war and the state would not have come into being.”

You do not condemn them morally?


They perpetrated ethnic cleansing.

There are circumstances in history that justify ethnic cleansing. I know that this term is completely negative in the discourse of the 21st century, but when the choice is between ethnic cleansing and genocide – the annihilation of your people – I prefer ethnic cleansing.”

You went through an interesting process. You went to research Ben-Gurion and the Zionist establishment critically, but in the end you actually identify with them. You are as tough in your words as they were in their deeds.

“You may be right. Because I investigated the conflict in depth, I was forced to cope with the in-depth questions that those people coped with. I understood the problematic character of the situation they faced and maybe I adopted part of their universe of concepts. But I do not identify with Ben-Gurion. I think he made a serious historical mistake in 1948. Even though he understood the demographic issue and the need to establish a Jewish state without a large Arab minority, he got cold feet during the war. In the end, he faltered.”

I’m not sure I understand. Are you saying that Ben-Gurion erred in expelling too few Arabs?

“If he was already engaged in expulsion, maybe he should have done a complete job. I know that this stuns the Arabs and the liberals and the politically correct types. But my feeling is that this place would be quieter and know less suffering if the matter had been resolved once and for all. If Ben-Gurion had carried out a large expulsion and cleansed the whole country – the whole Land of Israel, as far as the Jordan River. It may yet turn out that this was his fatal mistake. If he had carried out a full expulsion – rather than a partial one – he would have stabilized the State of Israel for generations.”

I find it hard to believe what I am hearing.

“If the end of the story turns out to be a gloomy one for the Jews, it will be because Ben-Gurion did not complete the transfer in 1948. Because he left a large and volatile demographic reserve in the West Bank and Gaza and within Israel itself.” 

8)^Survival of the fittest, Haaretz.com 2004/9/1 (http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=380984)

Are you trying to argue that Palestinian terrorism derives from some sort of deep cultural problem?

“There is a deep problem in Islam. It’s a world whose values are different. A world in which human life doesn’t have the same value as it does in the West, in which freedom, democracy, openness and creativity are alien. A world that makes those who are not part of the camp of Islam fair game. Revenge is also important here. Revenge plays a central part in the Arab tribal culture. Therefore, the people we are fighting and the society that sends them have no moral inhibitions. If it obtains chemical or biological or atomic weapons, it will use them. If it is able, it will also commit genocide.” 

9)^Survival of the fittest, Haaretz.com 2004/9/1 (http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=380984)

What you are saying is hard to listen to and hard to digest. You sound hard-hearted.

“I feel sympathy for the Palestinian people, which truly underwent a hard tragedy. I feel sympathy for the refugees themselves. But if the desire to establish a Jewish state here is legitimate, there was no other choice. It was impossible to leave a large fifth column in the country. From the moment the Yishuv [pre-1948 Jewish community in Palestine] was attacked by the Palestinians and afterward by the Arab states, there was no choice but to expel the Palestinian population. To uproot it in the course of war. 

10) ^Scars of War, Wounds of Peace, The Israeli-Arab Tragedy by Ben Ami
Bisecting the Land or Zionism’s Strategy of Phases? 


It would come if only because, as he wrote, the Jewish state would have ‘an outstanding army’ that would ensure that ‘we won’t be constrained from settling in the rest of the country, whether out of accord and mutual understanding with the Arab neighbours or otherwise’. If endorsing partition would have meant ‘relinquishing our historical rights over the whole land of Israel’, he said in a speech in August 1937 to the Twentieth Zionist Congress, ‘then I would reject the State’. The attitude of Chaim Weizmann, more moderate and always more measured in his words than Ben- Gurion, was not essentially different. To him as well the ‘Peel state’ was only the beginning. “The Kingdom of David was smaller,’ he said, ‘but under Solomon it became an empire. C’est le premier pas qui compte,’ he consoled the sceptics.

In other words, the defeat of the territorial drive by the demographic imperatives, which would be the core reason for the Israeli Right’s flirtation with the idea of ‘unilateral disengagement’ in the wake of the Al-Aqsa Intifada, was not yet clear to the Zionist leaders in the 1930s, especially as the Peel Commission itself advanced a panacea that they were quick to embrace. Probably the most appealing article in the recommendation of the Commission was that about the ‘forced transfer’ of Arabs from the future Jewish state. To Ben-Gurion this was an ‘unparalleled achievement’. It was ‘the best of all solutions’, according to Berl Katznelson. ‘A distant neighbour’, he said, ‘is better than a close enemy.’ Transfer was such an ideal solution that ‘it must happen some day’, he concluded. A strategy of phases, admittedly always vague and anything but an articulate plan of action, could only prevail if a solution could be found to the demographic problem. “Transfer’ was the magic formula.

The idea of transfer for the Arabs had a long pedigree in Zionist thought. Moral scruples hardly intervened in what was normally seen as a realistic and logical solution, a matter of expediency. Israel Zangvill, the founding father of the concept, advocated transfer as early as 1916. For, as he said, ‘if we wish to give a country to a people without a country, it is utter foolishness to allow it to be the country of two peoples…. One of the two a different place must be found either for the Jews or for their neighbours.’

The idea of transfer was not the intimate dream of only the activists and the militants in the Zionist movement. A mass exodus of Arabs from Palestine was no great tragedy, according to Menachem Ussishkin, a leader of the General Zionists. To him the message of the Arab Revolt was that coexistence was out of the question and it was now either the Arabs or the Jews, but not both. Even Aharon Zisling, a member of the extreme Left of the Zionist Labour movement, who during the 1948 war would go on record as being scandalised by the atrocities committed against the Arab population, saw ‘no moral flaw’ in the transfer of the Arabs, although he avoided the term in favour of the euphemism of ‘concentrating the development of national life’. ‘In a new world order’, he said, ‘it can and should be a noble human vision.’ But again, Ben-Gurion’s voice had always a special meaning and relevance. At a Zionist meeting in June 1938 he was as explicit as he could be: ‘I support compulsory transfer. I don’t see in it anything immoral.’ But he also knew that transfer would be possible only in the midst of war, not in ‘normal times’. What might be impossible in such times, he said, ‘is possible in revolutionary times’. The problem was, then, not moral, perhaps not even political; it was a function of timing, and this meant war.

11)^Method and Madness by Norm Finkelstein, 

1/Peace Offensive (2011)“If Only It Would Just Sink Into The Sea,”


Fast forward to the eve of Cast Lead in December 2008. Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni stated that whereas Israel wanted to create a temporary period of calm with Hamas, an extended truce “harms the Israeli strategic goal, empowers Hamas, and gives the impression that Israel recognizes the movement.” Translation: a protracted cease-fire, which cast a bright light on Hamas’s pragmatism in word and deed and consequently increased international pressure on Israel to negotiate a diplomatic settlement, would undermine Israel’s strategic goal of retaining the West Bank. Israel had already resolved to attack Hamas as far back as March 2007 and only acquiesced in the June 2008 truce because “the Israeli army needed time to prepare.”

The predictable sequel to Israel’s attack was that Hamas resumed its rocket attacks—“in retaliation,” as the Israeli Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center wrote. Still, Hamas was “interested in renewing the relative calm with Israel,” according to Israeli internal security chief Yuval Diskin, and Hamas would have accepted a “bargain” in which it “would halt the fire in exchange for easing of . . . Israeli policies [that] have kept a choke hold on the economy of the Strip,” according to former IDF commander in Gaza Shmuel Zakai. But Israel tightened yet again the illegal economic blockade of Gaza while demanding a unilateral and unconditional cease-fire by Hamas. Even before Israel intensified the blockade, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson decried its effects: Gaza’s “whole civilization has been destroyed, I’m not exaggerating.” By December 2008, Israel had brought Gaza’s infra-structure “to the brink of collapse,” according to an Israeli human rights organization. “Food, medicine, fuel, parts for water and sanitation systems, fertilizer, plastic sheeting, phones, paper, glue, shoes and even teacups are no longer getting through in sufficient quantities or at all,” Sara Roy reported. “The breakdown of an entire society is happening in front of us, but there is little international response beyond UN warnings which are ignored.” 

If Hamas had stayed passive after the 4 November killings, Israel would almost certainly have ratcheted up its provocations, just as it did in the lead-up to the 1982 war, until restraint became politically untenable for the Islamic movement. In any event, faced with the prospect of an asphyxiating Israeli blockade even if it ceased firing rockets, and thus forced to choose between “starvation and fighting,” Hamas opted for resistance, albeit largely symbolic. “You cannot just land blows, leave the Palestinians in Gaza in the economic distress they’re in, and expect that Hamas will just sit around and do nothing,” the former IDF commander in Gaza observed. “Our modest, home-made rockets,” Khalid Mishal wrote in an open letter during Cast Lead, “are our cry of protest to the world.” But Israel could now enter a plea of self-defense to its willfully gullible Western patrons as it embarked on yet another murderous invasion. Apart from minor adaptations in the script-the bogey was not “PLO terrorism” but “Hamas terrorism,” the pretext was not shelling in the north but rocket fire in the south-the 2008 reprise stayed remarkably faithful to the 1982 original. It derailed a functioning cease-fire and foiled another Palestinian peace offensive. Israel could now breathe a deep sigh of relief.

12)^Godesberger Programm



Basic Demands for a Society Worth of Man

We are fighting for democracy. Democracy must become the universal form of state

organisation and way of life because it is founded on respect for the dignity of man and his individual responsibility.

We resist every dictatorship, every form of totalitarian or authoritarian rule because they violate human dignity, destroy man’s freedom and the rule of law. Socialism can be realised only through democracy and democracy can only be fulfilled through Socialism.

Communists have no right to invoke Socialist traditions. In fact, they have falsified Socialist ideas. Socialists are struggling for the realisation of freedom and justice while Communists exploit the conflicts in society to establish the dictatorship of their party.

In the democratic state, every form of power must be subject to public control. The interest of the individual must be subordinated to the interest of the community. Democracy, social security and individual freedom are endangered by an economic and social system in which striving for profit and power are the distinguishing features. Democratic Socialism therefore aspires after a new economic and social order.







The Order of the State

The Social Democratic Party affirms its adherence to democracy. In a democracy the power of the state is derived from the people and the government is always responsible to Parliament whose confidence it must possess. In a democracy the rights of the minority as well as the rights of the majority must be respected; government and opposition have different tasks of equal importance; both share in the responsibility for the state.

Legislature, executive and judiciary should operate separately and it is the duty of each to serve the public interest. The existence of three levels of authority–Federal, State, and Local – ensures the distribution of power, strengthens freedom and through co-determination and co-responsibility gives the citizen manifold access to democratic institutions. Free local communities are vital to a living democracy. The Social Democratic Party therefore supports the principles of local self-government which must be extended and given adequate financial support.

Associations in which people of different groups and sections of the population unite for

common ends are necessary institutions of modern society. They must be democratically

organised. The more powerful they are, the greater is the responsibility they carry, but the greater also is the danger of their abusing their power. Parliaments, administration and courts must not be allowed to come under the one-sided influence of vested interests.

Press, radio, television and cinema fulfill public tasks. They must be independent and free to gather information wherever they wish, to comment on it and to distribute it, and to form and express their own opinions. Radio and television should remain under the control of public corporations, and be directed by free and democratic boards. They must be safeguarded against pressure from interest groups.

Judges must have outer and inner independence if they are to serve justice in the name of the people. Lay judges should play an equally important part in jurisdiction. Only independent judges can pass judgment on criminal offences. Neither wealth nor poverty should have an influence on people’s access to courts or on jurisdiction. Legislation must keep pace with the development of society if justice is to be done and if the people’s sense of justice is not to be violated.









The Economy

Free choice of consumer goods and services, free choice of working place, freedom for

employers to exercise their initiative as well as free competition are essential conditions of a Social Democratic economic policy. The autonomy of trade unions and employers’ associations in collective bargaining is an important feature of a free society. Totalitarian control of the economy destroys freedom. The Social Democratic Party therefore favours a free market wherever free competition really exists. Where a market is dominated by individuals or groups, however, all manner of steps must be taken to protect freedom in the economic sphere. As much competition as possible – as much planning as necessary.



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