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送交者: 屡教不改[☆★食脑虫祖★☆] 于 2020-10-07 11:43 已读 3106 次  



Problems In China
By James M. Hubbard 6park.com

In 1724 the Emperor Yung-ching proscribed the Christian religion, which at that time had made great progress in China. Three Jesuit priests who were in Pekin addressed a petition to him, supplicating him revoke his decree. Yung-ching summoned them to his presence, and in an argument of some length gave his reasons for his action, in which he disclaimed any disbelief in or hatred of Christianity. "you say that your law is not a false law, and I believe it. If I thought it were, what should hinder me from destroying your churches and driving you from the empire?" He closed with these words: "You wish to make the Chinese Christians, and this is what your law demands, I know very well. But what in that case would become of us? The subjects of your kings! The Christians whom you make recognize no authority but you; in times of trouble they would listen to no other voice. I know well enough that there is nothing to fear at present; but when your ships shall be coming by thousands and tens of thousands, then, indeed, we may have some disturbances." 6park.com

This remarkable statement is interesting both as showing the intelligence and liberality of a Chinese ruler nearly two centuries ago, and also as being a concise statement of the principal causes of the present upheaval in China. Christian law demands an obedience which undermines and finally overthrows the authority of every other conflicting law. This fact the intelligent Chinese of today recognized more clearly even than did Yung-ching, and the vindication of the authority of Chinese law is the main object of present conflict. The distinction between the two laws, the Christian and the non-Christian, leaving religious dogmas out of view, may be said to lie in the fact that Christian law demands obedience to these three principles: the right of every man, whatever his condition or station, to his life and to his property and the inviolability of a promise - the sacredness of the truth. Non-Christian law is practically a denial of the authority of these fundamental principles. It is not meant by this statement to affirm that there have not been in the past and that there are not now many men in China who are just, upright, humane, and strictly honest. It is an indisputable fact, however, that human life has little value in that country; justice is almost unknown in the courts, and there is no respect of the truth - a promise is kept only when self-intere4st makes it worth while. 6park.com


1724年,雍正皇帝禁止基督教,当时基督教在中国取得了长足的进步。在北京的三位耶稣会神父向他请愿,要求他撤销法令。雍正将他们召集到他的面前,并在一段冗长的争论中给出了他采取行动的理由,其中他否认对基督教的任何不信任或仇恨。 “您说您的法律不是虚假的法律,而且我相信。如果我认为是这样,那么什么能阻止我破坏您的教堂并把您赶出帝国呢?”他以这样的话结束道:“你想让中国人成为基督徒,这是你的法律所要求的,我很清楚。但是在那种情况下,我们会变成什么?你们国王的臣民!你承认的基督徒,不服从权威只服从你;在麻烦的时候,他们不会再听其他声音了;我很清楚,目前没有什么可担心的;但是,当你的船将成千上万的到来时,我们的确可以有一些麻烦。” 6park.com


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