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送交者: 赚钱无辈[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2019-12-19 17:42 已读 349 次  


回答: 砥平里战斗,志愿军真实伤亡人数,其实是3000人 由 牛员外 于 2019-12-19 5:38

如下为摘抄的战后场统计, 就算老美吹了一倍的牛,共军死了至少3000。而且据美军战场记载,之所以美军出现非正常数量的失踪人数是因为中国军队埋尸的时候很匆忙,居然不做区分把美军尸体也埋了进去。之所以有此发现是美军搜索部队在翻挖一个中国军的坟墓的时候在两具中国军人的尸体下还发现了一具美军尸体。 6park.com

SCHMITT, McGEE and CURTIS HILLS were macabre sights. Hundreds
of dead Chinese littered the slopes, Some had been cooked to a crisp by Napalm. Some were without heads. Some had been horribly torn apart by direct hits from rockets or artillery shells. The writer will always remember one body whose head had completely disappeared; nothing remained on the neck stump except the lower jawbone and its row of teeth. Lines of dead Chinese started at the bottom of the hills about 250 yards away from the MLR and every ten yards up the slope to the crests of the hills had another line of dead Chinese, Every Company G foxhole had from 6 to 9 dead Chinese in a circle around It. The Chinese had taken terrific losses. The scene was a testimonial to the super-human, heroic and gallant defense of the Company G combat infantrymen. The writer himself personally counted 526 dead bodies on McGEE HILL. Patrols sent out to count the dead, reported 493
bodies on SCHMITT HILL and 362 bodies on CURTIS HILL. This made a total of 1,381 in front of Company G alone. There were hundreds of fresh graves in front of the perimeter and each grave contained at least two dead bodies. Time did not permit opening the graves or even counting them as there were so many of them in all the little ravines and gullies. Company F counted 27 dead Chinese in front of it and Company E 359 dead bodies hanging on the wire and in front of (South of) the wire in the 3rd Platoon's area, This brought the total count of dead bodies to 1,767. Adding this to the 420 killed on the First Night of the Seige brings the grand total to 2,187, The other Battalions counted almost 4,000 in front of them. So the bodies actually counted around the perimeter totalled roughly 6,000. It must be remembered that these were just the bodies close to the MLRs of the perimeter. No attempt was made to search the ravines and gullies or to go up to the distant crests where the artillery and air-strikes had been hitting for several days. Also as previously stated no attempt could be made to count the hundreds of fresh graves.
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