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Now now, lets take a moment to think
送交者: OrzoTL[品衔R1] 于 2017-01-03 8:39 已读 55 次  


回答: 看看史版就知道,中国人津津乐道的是,林彪,粟裕,彭德怀。。。 由 田原 于 2017-01-01 13:35

The western countries also has more recounts by generals and higher-ups in the government, why is that? well obviously they are the ones that avtuslly gets publicity most of the time.

however, the observant you also discovered the numerous recounts and diaries by ordinary soldiers, the likes of Sargent Tom and so. But why doesn't that happen in China you may ask? Why? It is just so frustrating.

well it turns out that our population isny that well educated back then like the west, thr absence of field journalists certainly doesnt help. 

You see unlike england, where there are poets and artists who were being drafted into the army as soldiers not officers. We had an ample few of educated individuals with made them A LOT MORE VALUABLE IN THE military and obviously they are going to be high ranking officers.

I dont have the statistics but i believe the lower ranked soldiers who were literate back then in china were lower than 3% which made preserving their version of war much less accessable, as the only way it can be passed down is through oral, in the form of stories, which still exists til today! yay i guess?
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