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送交者: ek8650[♂★瞎驴庵主人★♂] 于 2016-04-23 15:13 已读 405 次 1 赞  


回答: 除非去查正规军史并对照,番号数字有出入是很平常的事 由 红朝笑笑生 于 2016-04-23 14:57

是伪造。 整个韩战,英国的军队只有一个就是第一师,而且是包括加拿大和澳大利亚。 从英国本土来的只有第27(28)旅和28(29)独立旅。倒是有坦克团,只有一个。 何来消灭英国第七坦克旅以及第五步兵师八千人的说法。  英国的军队参战是公开的,根本没有也不可能隐藏一个坦克旅。 就是韩国军队,韩战已经过去60年了,就是误差也早该纠正了,今天还那番号有出入当理由,根本就是伪造战绩。最为中国最引以为豪的反击战,错误百出是不可能的,也许是算是将错就错吧。

The 1st Commonwealth Division was the name given, after July 1951, to Commonwealth land forces in the Korean War.[1] The division was a multinational unit that was part of British Commonwealth Forces Korea, and whilst British and Canadian Army units formed the bulk of the division, Australian infantry, New Zealand artillery and an Indian medical unit were also a part of the division. As with the US "KATUSA" programme, numerous South Korean troops were seconded to the Commonwealth division to make up numbers under a programme known as "KATCOM".

The unit was preceded by the 27th British Commonwealth Brigade, which was the initial parent formation of Commonwealth army units in Korea, and which arrived in Korea in August 1950. Its two British Infantry battalions were joined by the 3rd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (3 RAR) in September, and by the 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI), in February 1951. The brigade was subsequently re-constituted as 28th Commonwealth Brigade in April 1951. In November 1950 the brigade was joined by 29th Independent Infantry Brigade, and in May 1951 by 25th Canadian Infantry Brigade.[2] In July 1951 these units were combined to form 1st Commonwealth Division. The Division was made up of 58% British forces, 22% Canadian forces, 14% Australian forces, 5% New Zealander forces, and 1% Indian forces.[3]

The 1st Commonwealth Division was part of the US I Corps, which also included the US 1st Cavalry Division, the US 3rd and 25th Infantry Divisions, and the ROK 1st Division. The division occupied the strategically important sector of front on the Jamestown Line, stretching from the Kimpo peninsula on the Yellow Sea coast to a point east of Kumhwa about 6.3 miles (10.1 km), and just 30 miles (48 km) from the South Korean capital, Seoul.[4]
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