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为什么讲世界银行的数据时错误的, 我们来看看
送交者: ek8650[♂★瞎驴庵主人★♂] 于 2016-03-16 13:57 已读 729 次 1 赞  


总体来讲, 各国的农业数据有本国提供给世界银行, 本国的数据是第一手的, 如果本国的数据和世界银行的有差别,应该按本国的数据为准。 就好像虽然有人对中国的GDP增长率有疑问,但我们还是按中国政府的数据来讨论。 这个阿联酋的数据,当然也要以阿联酋的数据为准。  这里有篇文章是有关阿联酋农业最发达的阿布扎比的小麦产量。 文章出自阿联酋的官方报纸网站。 根据这篇文章讲阿布扎比农业部(?)说阿布扎比是本地区产量最高的,大约是8吨/公顷,其它阿拉伯世界大约5吨/公顷。  8吨/公顷是 1067斤/市亩, 离万斤还有很长的路要走。所以世界银行明显是输错了数据。


Farms in Abu Dhabi are producing more wheat per hectare than anywhere else in the region, the Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority has revealed.

Twenty varieties of wheat are produced in the emirate, at a rate of eight tonnes per hectare – well above the Arab world’s average of five tonnes.

The authority’s laboratories have carried out trials on 103 crops to test whether they can be adapted to local climatic conditions and are fit for commercial production, reported Al Ittihad, the Arabic-language sister paper of The National.

The trials were held in Al Salamat and Bani Yas with the aim of providing food security and strategic agricultural crops for the emirate, and creating sustainability in the agricultural sector.

Meanwhile, the Abu Dhabi Compost plant has signed an agreement with the authority and the Farmers Service Centre to provide 22,000 farms in the emirate with organic fertilisers and compost at half price.

With almost half of the emirate’s farms located in Al Ain and its suburbs, the fertiliser factory has opened four new distribution centres in the city to ensure deliveries to farms in the Abu Karba, Qafah, Ghamdh and Al Niyadat areas.

The plant’s total production has reached 150,000 tonnes per year of high-quality organic fertilisers in accordance with international specifications and standards set by the Ministry of Environment and Environment Authority Abu Dhabi. A fleet of 12 lorries distributes the fertiliser.

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