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送交者: 傻二黑子[★品衔R5★] 于 2015-09-13 8:07 已读 1294 次 3 赞  


In Classical Athens, a leading naval power of Classical Greece, rowing was regarded as an honorable profession of which men should sess some practical knowledge,[4]在古代雅典--这个古希腊的海上霸主,桨手被视为是一种荣耀的职业,而且要求掌握一些专业知识。 and sailors were viewed as instrumental in safeguarding the state.[5] According to Aristotle, the common people on the rowing benches won the Battle of Salamis, thereby strengthening the Athenian democracy.[6] 水手们被认为在保卫国家中是有很大帮助的。 亚里士多德认为,在座桨战舰上的普通人赢得了萨拉米斯海战。 The special characteristics of the Trireme, with each of its 170 oars being handled by a single oarsman, demanded the commitment of skilled freemen; rowing required coordination and training on which success in combat and the lives of all aboard depended.[7] 三列桨战舰的特征即170个,需要170个桨手进行操作,要求技术熟练的自由人;划桨需要合作和训练,这是战斗和甲板生活所依赖的。 Also, practical difficulties such as the prevention of desertion or revolt when bivouacking (triremes used to be hauled on land at night) made free labour more secure and more economical than slaves. 同时,工作的难度例如在宿营的时候(三列桨战舰通常晚间被拖到岸上)防止开小差和暴动,也使得自由劳力相比奴隶更加安全和经济。

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