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你正在成为一个笑话, 别究缠了,每个人是允许有不同观点
送交者: Roman[太守★☆] 于 2015-03-25 13:11 已读 133 次  


回答: 你引用一段自己都读不懂背后逻辑的英文来吹捧 真能装。。。 由 提香 于 2015-03-25 12:56

的, 特别是对人,但你谈论是一个你不了解的领域 , “西方的看法”。

我说了你如果说中国大多数人是如何看李, 这一点问题没有。

这是评论的前序, 自己看吧,不懂的查字典:

And though he admitted some faults — he should have fostered free enterprise more, he said — he was defiant in the face of other criticisms: “I’m not guided by what Human Rights Watch says. I am not interested in ratings by Freedom House or whatever. At the end of the day, is Singapore society better or worse off? That’s the test. What are the indicators of a well-governed society? Look at the humanities index in last week’s Economist, we’re right on top,” he told TIME.

And no matter what one thinks of Lee’s record, it’s hard to argue that he didn’t earn the right to his opinion. As TIME pointed out:
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