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Another 1949 topsy-turve in China?
送交者: davidwt[♂秀才♂] 于 2012-05-30 23:05 已读 50 次 2 赞  


回答: 许纪霖:国民党如何失去知识分子的支持 由 JollyRoger 于 2012-05-30 18:37

This article is not the first one talking about What had happened in 1949 in China/Taiwan, and certainly not the last one. But it is a good one disclosing such many stories that I have not been told before. www.6park.com

As a sencond generation born and grown up in Taiwan, I have so confused with the Kuomington ruling style. Now I am in fond of USA life style but still wonder what if I could do something significat back in Asia. www.6park.com

My dream is fading away as I am getting old and soon would be forgetten by people and could only be found in history. What a year in 1949 in China! Anybody suspect what controlled the Chinese 5-4 movement and its global/foreign confrontation later on. After Jap's invasion, naive Chinese would think you could be united as One China. Day dream, you Chinese. Sorry not your turn yet. www.6park.com

Here now after 60+ years, do we see any light at the end of tunnel? Chances are ...

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