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Mr. 山西 who is running Hon Hai Precision Machinery.
送交者: davidwt[♂秀才♂] 于 2012-02-20 21:56 已读 73 次  


回答: 黑社会方式管理的成功企业——晋商  由 弘扬龙文化 于 2012-02-19 13:00

黑社会 is highly related to Republic of China which biult in 1911 with the name of Shing-Hai revolution.  www.6park.com

Unfortunately 孔祥熙这位国民政府的财政部长也正是从山西太谷县and their gangsters who governs the first half century until People Republic of China replaced them in 1949. www.6park.com

Nowdays, another 山西 guy who was born from Taiwan and controls Hon Hai Precision Machinery and makes tons of money for the past 30 years. A repeated history but soon have to give up by raising Employee salary by 20%. We will see how these 山西 guys really keep up with 21st century pace. www.6park.com

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