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送交者: guyueyangyu[布衣] 于 2023-05-18 4:57 已读 468 次  


急致全人类尤其精英而特别请政要关注的信:人类唯力求合作才能自救(English translation at the end




















Urgent letter to all human beings, especially the elites, and political leaders to pay special attention to: Only by striving for cooperation can human beings save themselves

——I hope that all the reviewers can do their best to translate this letter and distribute it in more media around the world

    It is time for all human beings to listen to the voices transmitted from the universe.

  Human beings and their society are the sons of cosmic energy cooperation, and they must and can only follow the most basic requirements of the cosmic energy cooperation link.All the beauties that human beings and their societies can display are nothing more than an energy movement pattern of cosmic energy combination and cooperation.In contrast, all the unhappiness and suffering of human beings come from energy or energy cooperation bodies, and they cannot find a stable and sustainable cooperation method and fall into the conflict tense.Based on this, the only reason why human beings continue to suffer and even achieve more civilization achievements is that they dont know where the security boundary is. Of course, the only root cause is the stability, accuracy, and sustainability of the combination and cooperation links.Therefore, the only direction for human beings to think about self-help is to start from solving the scientific nature of the cooperation link, and to make it consistent with the underlying logic law of the cooperation and deduction of the energy link of the entire universe.Only in this way can human beings know the most essential deductive laws that run through the entire universe, and then look back at all the problems that human beings encounter from each individual to all aspects of society, and all of them will be understood.At the same time, it will also enable mankind to see clearly which direction it is best to go in this universe.

    In order to explore from what angle of view can best see the underlying logic of human beings' various contradictions that are constantly cut and reasoned, and what kind of method can be found to fundamentally solve human suffering, which is the simplest, most graspable, and practical for everyone , the most scientific and accurate, and the most comprehensive, here is an article recommended览要简说满灌人类所知觉的整个宇宙时空而主宰人类一切的宇宙本质底层构架之程序定质规律纲要要点——兼及简说人类文明的本质及其循序定度之核心演绎机制》(《A brief introduction to the outline of The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws that fill the entire space-time of the universe perceived by human beings and dominate the underlying structure of the essence of the universe of all human beings——Also briefly discuss the essence of human civilization and its core deductive mechanism of The Follow The Program Can Be Determined The Standard

》).I very much look forward to more people participating in the reading and translation of this article into other languages for widespread dissemination.Thanks to help, this article has been posted online.The title of the article is longer, so a shorter title was used when posting on the Internet.

1. Title:人类唯有科学界定而周延人类意识后才有能量防止自我毁灭(Only after scientifically defining and extending human consciousness can human beings have the energy to prevent self-destruction),Read URL:


 2. Title: 人类怎样才能走出当前互斗而正加速自毁的低级丛林文明?(How can human beings get out of the current low-level jungle civilization that is fighting each other and is accelerating self-destruction?)。Read URL one:


Read URL two:


  There is nothing better than being able to make people in the world happy!SoI very much look forward to the participation of all human beings in identifying the natural science topics stated in the article.This is the greatest act of charity in human society.Because what I see is that since nuclear weapons opened the door to the destruction of all human beings by individual individuals, artificial intelligence has further made human beings stumbled into the magic realm where anyone may trigger the destruction of all human beings.And the raindrops in the early stage of the advent of the storm of life and death of the entire human civilization have been continuously dripping all over the world.Therefore, I hope that all human beings will be vigilant and attach great importance to the natural science issues raised by the article that are related to the life and death of human civilization.When I have the conditions to open the door to speak peacefully and freely, I will discuss it with you.I am now sending this letter only on the fleeting occasion which I got by chance.

It must be drawn to the attention of those who read the article that the vision and thinking structure opened by the standpoint of the article will seem unfamiliar to human beings today, especially for the first time reading, it is difficult to accept the information in the article.Simply put, the reason is that human beings started to move towards civilization from the creation of tools, so until now they still think that the creation of "Have" is civilization, but they don't know that all "Have" in this universe comes from the "Smoothly" of the energy operation program,"Smoothly" is a cooperative link and only "Smoothly"   is civilization.Therefore, the most fundamental scientific linkage mechanism problem of cosmic energy cooperation that human beings have not solved for thousands of years has been repeated for thousands of years, and even the more "Have" it is, the more "chaotic" sources are created that are not "Smoothly" or even enough to destroy all human beings ,it is because the fundamental position and angle of view of human beings to see the world is inconsistent with the fundamental law of sustainable interpretation of cosmic energy.Therefore, to the thinking mode that is accustomed to thinking that if you have "Have", you will "Smoothly" benefit, and input the opposite scientific mechanism that you will have "Have" only if you "Smoothly". Even if the scientific mechanism input is simple, it is obvious that The basic scientific concepts imported and the current habit of conscious thinking are reversed, and the direction is opposite, so the input information is not easy to overcome the inertia of human consciousness and become accessible.Therefore, when reading an article, you may have to repeatedly consider the article's brand-new perspective and vision of the world in order to open up the understanding channel for the article.

But after all, the article is discussing the underlying supporting laws that are inseparable from any point in the entire space-time of the universe.Therefore, once human beings accept this brand-new perspective and build a social and cultural awareness scientific cooperation ecology linked by the new scientific thinking mode of human beings, everyone will suddenly feel that this law is simple, easy to understand, and always and everywhere is a solid and reliable starting point for doing things. The only thing is, embrace the ever-changing scenery with your arms, and hold on to a balance with your heart.I believe that at that time, it is the time for human beings to step out of the current chaotic jungle of consciousness and rush towards advanced civilization.

This letter is especially hoped that readers will try their best to recommend it to political leaders around the world, so that this letter will be paid attention to by political leaders, and also because the government is the most driving social cooperation model in the current human cooperation.Empowering governments to push new ideas through the efforts of politicians will have the best benefits for humanity.

                           Jin Guyu

                           Kuala Lumpur, May 18, 2023

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