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送交者: 叔涵心语[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2022-05-18 1:04 已读 2563 次 5 赞  


陈叔涵 2022年5月18日 6park.com

众所周知,中华人民共和国,也就是俗称的中共国,成立于一九四九年十月,自其成立至今,从未占领过台湾,从未统治过台湾。换句话说,中共国从来不曾拥有过台湾。既然从来不曾拥有,那么,台湾与中共国就不存在统属关系。就好比美国从未拥有过天安门广场,天安门广场也从来都不是美国的领土一样。任何人对于自己从来不曾拥有过的东西,都无资格声称所有权。若中共可以声称台湾是中共国的一部分,那么,世界上任何一个人都可以声称北京是他家财产的一部分。 6park.com

中共之所以一直宣称台湾是中共国的一部分,那是因为中共自认为中共国能够代表历史上的中国。然而,铁的事实就是:中共国无权代表历史上的中国! 6park.com

中国历史悠久,朝代众多,其疆域从秦始皇时代开始,一直到今天,都是一个动态的概念,不是静态的。也就是说,中国的疆域不是固定的,一直处在变化之中。秦朝的疆域,不要说与清朝相差悬殊,就是与汉朝相比,也不可同日而语。若说当今的中华人民共和国可以代表历史上的中国,那就非常荒谬。因为不管中共国说它代表历史上的哪个王朝,它都必须先复原那个王朝的领土。没有占据那个王朝的领土,就不可言主权,自然也就不能代表。比方说,若中共国代表历史上的唐王朝。那么,唐王朝时,贝加尔湖属于中国的领土,史称小海。但是,如今的贝加尔湖早就不是中国的领土了,中共能把贝加尔湖收回来吗?可见,对于任何一个政权来说,领土和统辖权都是必不可少的,正所谓皮之不存毛将焉附?对于一块既没有占领又没有统辖权的领土,一个政权是无法代表它的。有鉴于此,当今的中共国所能代表的仅限于被中共占据的领土,即,被中共政权所统辖的领土;那些在历史上曾经属于中国,但没有被中共占据的领土,中共国均无权代表,更无资格声称对这些领土拥有主权。很简单,中共不曾拥有过的领土,中共怎么可以声称对其拥有主权呢?! 6park.com

由上可知,中共国外交部动不动就说,某某地方自古就是中国的领土,本身就很荒唐!自古,何为古?以哪一年为界?若不能界定古自何始,当中共国这样说的时候,蒙古国就笑了。因为在元朝的时候,不要说整个中国,就是半个欧洲以及当今的俄罗斯,都属于蒙古国的领土。所以,提自古就一定会闹笑话。那么,中国的疆域究竟以何时的为准呢?要不然,动不动就说自古以来,那样争吵下去,肯定没完没了! 6park.com

中国的疆域,只能是以大清王朝为准。大清是中国最后一个王朝,最后一位皇帝也因此被称为末代皇帝。通俗地说,无论一个女人结婚多少次,只能以她的最后一任丈夫为合法配偶。大清以前的任何一个王朝都不能作为中国疆域的界定标准,要么是疆域太狭小,如秦朝,当今的新疆、西藏都不包含在内;要么是疆域太庞大,如元朝,几乎五分之一的地球都是中国的领土。最关键的是,清朝是中国政体由帝制转型为民国的一个划时代的时间节点,并且政权的移交方式也是独一无二的,即,中华民国继承了大清王朝的领土和主权,这是其它任何王朝都无法代替的。因此,中国的疆域只能以清代为依据。 6park.com

当今的中共国显然不能代表历史上的清朝。首先,中共国的领土比清朝少三百多万平方公里,其次,在法理上,中共国的领土与大清不存在继承关系。与大清领土存在继承关系的国家政权是中华民国,有清帝退位诏书为证。目前中共国所占有之领土,是中共在境外敌对势力的扶持下,依靠暴力从中华民国手中抢夺过来的一大部分,并不是中华民国领土的全部。然而,中共国却拒不承认中华民国并且刻意否定中华民国的历史。有鉴于此,中共国不光在疆域上不能代表清朝,就连其占有的领土也不是从大清王朝继承,那就更不能代表历史上的清朝了,因为缺少继承性。中国人常常引以为傲的是中国历史的完整性,然而,完整性从何而来?那就是继承性和连续性。没有继承性,也就没有连续性,没有连续性,何来完整性?中共政权不是继承自大清,更不是继承自民国。因此,中共国就更不够资格代表历史上的大清! 6park.com


Taiwan has never belonged to the CCP state


 Chen Shuhan May 18, 2022


As we all know, the People's Republic of China, commonly known as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) State, was founded in October 1949, and since its inception, it has never occupied or ruled Taiwan. In other words, the CCP state has never owned Taiwan. Since it has never possessed it, there is no relationship of domination between Taiwan and the CCP state. It is just like the United States has never owned Tiananmen Square, and Tiananmen Square has never been a territory of the United States. No one is qualified to claim ownership of something he or she has never owned. If the CCP can claim that Taiwan is part of the CCP state, then anyone in the world can claim that Beijing is part of his family's property.


The reason why the CCP keeps claiming that Taiwan is part of the CCP state is because the CCP thinks that the CCP state can represent historical China. However, the hard fact is that the CCP state has no right to represent historical China!


China has a long history and many dynasties, and its boundaries, starting from the time of Emperor Qin Shi Huang and continuing up to the present day, are a dynamic concept, not a static one. In other words, China's boundaries are not fixed and they are always in a state of flux. The boundaries of the Qin Dynasty, not to mention the vast difference with the Qing Dynasty, are not comparable to those of the Han Dynasty. To say that the present-day People's Republic of China (PRC) can represent China in history would be very absurd. This is because no matter which dynasty in history the People's Republic of China declares it represents, it must first restore the territory of that dynasty. Without occupying the territory of that dynasty, it cannot claim sovereignty and naturally cannot represent it. For example, if the CCP state represents the Tang dynasty in history, then the Baikal region, which was under the Tang dynasty, will be under the control of the CCP state. Then, during the Tang Dynasty, Lake Baikal belonged to China's territory, which was known as Xiaohai. But nowadays, Lake Baikal has long since ceased to be China's territory; anyway, can the CCP state take Lake Baikal back? It can be seen that for any regime, both territory and jurisdiction are essential, just as the saying goes if the skin does not exist, where will the hair be attached to? A regime cannot represent a territory that it neither occupies nor has jurisdiction over. Because of this, the CCP state today can only represent the territories occupied by the Chinese Communist state, i.e., the territories under the CCP state's jurisdiction; the CCP state has no right to represent the territories that used to be part of China in history but were not occupied by the CCP state, let alone claiming sovereignty over these territories. In a word, how can the CCP claim sovereignty over territories that the CCP has never possessed?


Based on the facts above, we can see that it is absurd for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the CCP state to say that such and such a place has been China's territory since ancient times! Since ancient times, what is ancient? Which year is the boundary? If it is not possible to define the beginning of ancient times, Mongolia laughs when the CCP state says so. Since during the Yuan Dynasty, not to mention the whole of China, half of Europe as well as present-day Russia belonged to the territory of Mongolia. Therefore, mentioning ancient times is bound to be a joke. Therefore, when on earth did the boundaries of China actually prevail? Otherwise, if people always mention starting from ancient times, the argument then will be endless!


China's boundaries can only be based on the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). The Qing Dynasty was the last in China, and the last emperor was therefore called the Emperor of the last dynasty. In layman's terms, no matter how many times a woman has been married; she can only take her last husband as her legal spouse. No dynasty before the Qing Dynasty can be adopted as a criterion for defining China's boundaries; either the boundaries were too narrow, such as the Qin Dynasty, which excludes today's Xinjiang and Tibet, or too vast, such as the Yuan Dynasty, in which almost one-fifth of the earth was the territory of the Yuan Dynasty. Most crucially, the Qing Dynasty was an epochal point in time when the Chinese system of government was transformed from an imperial system to a civil type-Republic of China (ROC), and how the transfer of power took place was unique, i.e., the ROC inherited the territory and sovereignty of the Qing Dynasty, which could not be replaced by any other dynasty. Therefore, the boundaries of China can only be based on the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).


The present-day CCP state obviously cannot represent the Qing dynasty in history. Firstly, the territory of the CCP state is more than three million square kilometers less than that of the Qing dynasty, and secondly and legally, the territory of the CCP state does not have a succession relationship with the Qing dynasty. The sovereignty that has a succession relationship with the Qing Dynasty is the Republic of China, as evidenced by the abdication edict of the Qing Emperor. The territory currently occupied by the Chinese Communist Party is a large part of the territory that the CCP seized from the Republic of China by violence, and it is not the entire territory of the Republic of China. However, the CCP refuses to recognize the Republic of China and deliberately denies the history of the Republic of China. Given this, not only does the CCP fail to represent the Qing Dynasty in terms of territory, but even the territory it occupies is not inherited from the Qing Dynasty, and it is quite far away from representing the Qing Dynasty in the historical sense because it lacks the inheritance. Chinese people often take pride in the completeness of Chinese history, however, where does completeness come from? That is inheritance and continuity. Without inheritance, there is no continuity, and without continuity, how can there be integrity? The CCP regime was not inherited from the Qing Dynasty, still much less from the Republic of China. Therefore, the CCP state is absolutely unqualified to represent the Qing Dynasty in history!


To summarize, the CCP state is not qualified to represent the boundaries of China as defined by the Qing Dynasty, whether it is China in the historical sense or in the geographical sense. What the CCP state can represent is only the territory occupied by the CCP since the establishment of its power in 1949. According to international law and practice, the Chinese Communist Party has no right to represent, let alone claim sovereignty over territories that the Chinese Communist Party has never occupied. For example, the Chinese Communist Party has no right to represent the Kuril Islands and Vladivostok, which originally belonged to the Qing Dynasty, and has no right to claim sovereignty over the Kuril Islands and Vladivostok because the Chinese Communist Party has never occupied the Kuril Islands and Vladivostok. In short, the territories that originally belonged to the Qing Dynasty but are not occupied by the Chinese Communist Party today do not belong to the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Communist Party is not qualified to claim sovereignty over them!



贴主:叔涵心语于2023_12_07 0:03:38编辑
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