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送交者: 叔涵心语[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2022-02-18 0:49 已读 13804 次 24 赞  


陈叔涵 2022年2月18日 6park.com


随着徐州八孩女丑闻的不断发酵,吃瓜群众探究真相的呼声越来越高。此乃人之常情,不过,中国人民的愿望终究还是会落空。因为自中共一九四九年建立政权后,中共国就没有真相了,中共的需要才是真相。徐州八孩女丑闻的真相也不例外! 6park.com


中共靠谎言和暴力取得天下,这是事实。在尚未取得政权之前,毛泽东忽悠国统区知名人士黄炎培等人,说中共取得政权后,会实行民主制;毛还欺骗以美国为首的西方,盛赞美国是世界民主国家的楷模,中共执政后也会建立美式的民主制度。此外,中共还在报纸上大肆攻击国民党,说国民党搞一党专政,共产党奋斗的目标就是要废除一党专政。只要一党专政存在,民主就是无稽之谈。可见,中共说的比唱的都好听,而一旦取得政权就原形毕露了! 6park.com


中共会把当年自己讲的上述话复述一遍给现在的中国人听吗?绝对不会,因为中共无论如何也不会让中国人知道历史的真相。掩盖真相的唯一办法就是撒谎。中共没有取得政权的时候,就没有一句真话,取得政权后就变本加厉,假的就更加离谱。 6park.com


中共建政之后罪恶累累,可是,没有人能够得知其真相。毛时代大饥荒俄死了多少人,永远成谜,如今所有的数字都属于推理或估计,因为第一手资料早就被毁。即便如此,该话题在中共国也是一个禁区;同样,文革害死了多少人,也没有谁能说得清,目前所有关于文革的回忆大多只是个人或家庭的不幸经历,没有谁能够复原十年浩劫的完整图景,虽然邓时代对文革已经作了定性,而习时代又重新定性,请问,真相在哪里?三十三年前,邓下令坦克开进天安门广场,大肆屠杀学生和市民。暴行是在六月三日深夜至六月四日凌晨进行的,中共多会挑时间啊,不就是用黑暗来掩盖真相吗?! 6park.com








The truth about China is no truth

By Chen Shuhan Feb.18, 2022


With the continuous fermentation of the Eight-Child Woman scandal in Xuzhou, the call of the curious crowd for truth-seeking grows louder and louder. This is human nature; however, the wish of the Chinese people will eventually come to naught. There has been no truth in Communist China anymore since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) established its regime in 1949, and what the CCP needs is the truth, with no exception to the truth about the Eight-Child Woman scandal in Xuzhou.


It is a fact that the CCP gained power through lies and violence. Before gaining power, Mao Zedong fooled Huang Yanpei, a prominent figure in the Kuomintang governed area, and others, saying that the CCP would practice democracy after gaining power. Mao also deceived the Western countries led by the United States; by praising the United States as a model for democratic countries in the world and that the CCP would also establish an American-style democratic system after coming to power. In addition, the CCP also attacked the Kuomintang in the newspapers, claiming that the Kuomintang was engaged in one-party dictatorship and that the goal of the CCP was to abolish one-party dictatorship. As long as a one-party dictatorship exists, democracy is nonsense. It can be seen that the CCP talks better than it sings, but once it seizes power, its true color is revealed!


Will the CCP repeat the above-mentioned words to the Chinese people now? Absolutely not, because under no circumstance will the CCP let the Chinese people know the truth of history. The only way to cover up the truth is to lie. When the CCP was not in power, there was not a single word of truth, and when it gained power, it intensified its lying and became even more outrageously false.


The CCP has committed uncountable evil crimes since its establishment, but no one has been able to know the truth about it. The number of people who died in the Famine of the Mao era is a permanent mystery, and all the figures today come out of inference or estimation because the first-hand information was destroyed long ago. Even so, the topic is a forbidden area in Communist China; likewise, no one can tell how many people were killed in the Cultural Revolution, and most of the memories of the Cultural Revolution are only the unfortunate experiences of individuals or families. No one has been able to recover the complete picture of the 10-year catastrophe, although the Cultural Revolution has been defined in the Deng Xiaoping era and now redefined in the Xi Jinping era, so, where is the truth then? Thirty-three years ago, Deng Xiaoping ordered tanks to drive into Tiananmen Square and massacre students and citizens. The atrocities were carried out from the late night of June 3 to the early morning of June 4, a period of extraordinary darkness in the day. The CCP is really good at selecting the time, isn't it just using darkness to cover up the truth?


There is no way to find out the truth about the new Covid-19 epidemic that broke out in China and swept the world soon. It's not that the people don't want to find out the truth but that the CCP won't allow anyone to investigate the truth, just as the mayor of Wuhan city said at the beginning of the outbreak: no data could be released without the approval of the higher authorities! No sooner than the Chinese authority announced a major victory against the pandemic last year under Xi Jinping's personal deployment and command than the outbreak occurred in Xian, whose scale was nearly equivalent to that of Wuhan, as evidenced by the frantic move to seal off the city. Tianjin, Beijing, and other places have also had outbreaks of varying degrees, and the Zero policy of the CCP has left people in a daze, the truth, where the hell are you?!


History and reality have proven and will continue to prove that it is the CCP's "sacred" mission to erase the truth and fool and deceive the people because the truth will reveal the CCP's hypocrisy and cruelty with the facts and make the Chinese people realize the CCP's evil nature. Therefore, the CCP will do anything to distort the truth, cover up the truth, and create the truth. The three years of Famine, when it was clear that the weather was fine and the mass starvation was a naked man-made disaster, was described by the CCP as a three-year natural disaster; the Cultural Revolution was an unprecedented calamity in the history of human civilization, but now the CCP is defined as a painstaking exploration; the June Fourth Massacre in 1989, in the eyes of the CCP, was just a breeze...... As the years pass by, the truth is drifting away from the Chinese people!


Take the case of the Eight-Child Woman scandal in Xuzhou as an instance; it is not difficult at all to find out the truth. The difficulty lies in the fact that the CCP is taking all means to prevent the public from learning the truth because the truth is extremely unfavorable to the CCP. Now, governments at all levels of the CCP are racking their brains to make up a story that will benefit the CCP. Now you see, the story previously made up by the government of Feng County in Xuzhou was such a low one and full of holes that even the general public could not be fooled. For example, to make up a story to show what happened to the Eight-Child woman is within a marriage instead of human trafficking, the official actually displayed a marriage certificate, but the woman’s photo on the marriage certificate and the mother of the Eight-Child woman was not the same person even at first glance. Now the matter has alarmed the top echelons of the CCP, and the top echelons are not concerned with the truth, they will only weigh the pros and cons first, and then take the pros and discard the cons. After the top echelons interfere with the scandal, the story the public hears now will be a little more complete than the previous one, but still a hundred thousand miles away from the truth. If there are still insensitive people who insist on pursuing the truth, the CCP will detain them on the charge of provoking trouble and making problems, and no matter how many citizen journalists participate in the investigation, the possibility of their will be quite high!


The CCP's handling of the eight-child mother scandal in Xuzhou will certainly be based on the principle of minimizing the adverse effects and making every effort to clear the connection between officials and human trafficking. At most, the main culprit in the scandal, Dong, and the trafficker, Sang, will be brought to justice to appease the public, and the matter will be characterized as an individual case, a special case. The CCP would never investigate and prosecute other similar cases on a large scale because there are too many of them, and that would be tantamount to announcing to the public that human trafficking is a widespread phenomenon in Communist China. This would affect both the image of the Party and the government, and would not be conducive to maintaining stability. The CCP will never do anything bad for the CCP, and it has been acting this way for over 70 years. The CCP will only put merit on its own face; never throw dirty water on itself! When the CCP finally qualifies the matter and unifies its voice, the next step is for the Party media to spread the propaganda, so that the truth created by the CCP will reach the people. In short, the CCP has to show the public that the Party will put the interests of the people first! The only purpose of the CCP media's existence is to promote the greatness, glory, and correctness of the CCP to the world! The CCP will say that the crime of human trafficking exists even in developed countries in the West, but only under the leadership of the CCP will such evil be severely cracked down, while human traffickers in the USA are still at large......


As long as the Chinese Communist Party does not die, the truth will always remain elusive. In the soil of high walls and long iron chains, the truth cannot grow! In any event, what the CCP cares about is never the truth, but the pros and cons of the matter to the CCP, and what the CCP wants to do is to take the pros and discard the cons. Even if it is a funeral event, the CCP has to turn it into a happy one to advertise for itself! It can be said that everything the CCP announces to the public is not the truth, it is all a story made up by the CCP for its own needs.


In a society where there is only one voice, that voice can only be a lie......


























贴主:叔涵心语于2022_02_18 1:53:12编辑 6park.com

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贴主:叔涵心语于2022_02_18 5:53:55编辑 6park.com

贴主:叔涵心语于2022_02_18 8:13:01编辑 6park.com

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