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送交者: 美军统六哥[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2021-06-05 7:35 已读 363 次  


The defector is a brave man. Maybe a little late, to defect to the CCPs' overseas colony, bought and paid for through our political parties, agencies and corporations. He is one step ahead of Hong Kong, never hear a word about the people who resisted the take over, and not one word from the State Department. The lights went out, the protestors disappeared into the mainland gulags or organ harvesting centers.
The DIA must be an isolated hold out from being compromised, there is not much left of what we thought of as our country. There will be some serious rooting out "white supremecists" in that agency.

贴主:美军统六哥于2021_06_05 7:35:43编辑
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