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送交者: 加农炮平射[品衔R2☆] 于 2021-05-21 3:27 已读 635 次  




Dianne Feinstein commended the Communist China as a ‘respectable’ country. Thus she has stalled the proceeding of a bill, which will strip the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime of sovereign immunity so that the Americans can sue the CCP government and make it pay for the losses caused by its covering up the truth of the coronavirus. Feinstein has been befriending Jiang Zemin since she was the mayor of San Francisco. She hired a Chinese spy for nearly 20 years as her staff. Her husband Richard Blum has made millions by cooperating with CCP-backed businesses and has vitally weakened Tibetan movement. Maura calls on people to flood calls and emails to Feinstein and her husband’s offices and make them account for their standing with the CCP, rather than the Americans who have been victimised by the virus originated in China. 6park.com

Under the National Security Law, the CCP can define ‘splitism’ in whatever way they wish and persecute whoever they dislike. Since the CCP have friends in high positions in the US government, the US has not yet sanctioned the CCP politburo members or Chinese banks that are responsible for or supportive of the oppression of the protests in Hong Kong. 6park.com

The CCP can be taken down sooner if the U.S. bans the CCP from accessing the capital market and takes down the Chinese internet firewall. 6park.com

Link to Maura’s open letter to Senator Feinstein: https://justthenews.com/sites/default.... 6park.com

Contact info of Senator Feinstein.
Call her and/or email her to ask WHY SHE DEFENDS THE CCP!! 6park.com

https://www.feinstein.senate.gov/publ... 6park.com

San Francisco
One Post Street, Suite 2450
San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: (415) 393-0707 6park.com

Los Angeles
11111 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 915
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: (310) 914-7300 6park.com

Contact info of Richard Blum via his American Himalayan Foundation headquarters is in San Francisco.
Call and/send emails and letters to ask WHY HE WORKS FOR THE CCP!!!!!! 6park.com

https://www.himalayan-foundation.org/ 6park.com

The American Himalayan Foundation
909 Montgomery St.
Suite 400
San Francisco, CA 94133 6park.com

Phone: (415) 288-7245
Fax: (415) 434-3130 6park.com

Email: info@himalayan-foundation.org 6park.com



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